[GEORGE] Happy Endings

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George sits in front of you, tears desperate to sneak out as his Adam's apple bobs up and down. He struggles desperately to comprehend what you're saying to him.

"So-so you don't... you don't love me?" He whispers, his eyes locked onto the floor.

You shake your head, your own throat thick with unshed tears, "No... George. I do love you. I love you more than anything in the world."

He shakes his head, roughly pulling at his hair. "I don't understand."

You grimace, rubbing your face as you think back to the last good day you had with George.

You giggle, running in front of the brown haired boy behind you. He laughs, catching up with you quickly due to his long legs. He grabs you around the waist, picking you up to swing you around.

"George!" You scream, giggling, "Stop! I'm going to puke!"

He sets you down, his cheeks flush with the autumn chill in the air. He smiles broadly, his cheeks scrunching showing his crow's feet at the corners of his eyes. He grabs your face, his thumbs gently rubbing circles on your cheeks.

"(Y/N), you are gorgeous, you know that?" He whispers, leaning down so your noses are almost touching. You part your lips, denial hot until he hushes you.

"I will tell you until you do." He mumbles, leaning forward to connect your lips.

And so you kissed, in that park on that chilled autumn day. The leaves red and yellow around you crunching in the footsteps of passing people. 

Your heart sunk as you realized what happened in that moment. You knew that George was in love with you. Broken, unlovable you. You with your train full of baggage, you with your bruises and your bumps left by careless hands who whispered they loved you, you with your scarred memories and burnt childhood.

And you knew you had to let him go. You were only going to bruise him. You were only going to pass on baggage he shouldn't need to carry. Your world was heavy, so goddamn heavy and you knew he couldn't carry it.

He shouldn't carry it.

"George... the thing is that people like me... we don't get the happy endings." You whisper, reaching out to touch him but he only flinches away. Tears running down his cheeks.

"I could've given you the happy ending." He chokes out, turning away from you. "You were my happy ending."

And so he left, slamming the door in his wake. Leaving you, broken, unlovable you. Left you with forgetfulness in a bottle and you were quick so drink it. So quick to forget everything that happen.

For the next month you were high on forgetfulness. High on anything that whispered promises of only a moment of peace. You just needed a moment to forget. Your life rumbled around you, slowly crumbling as you kept replaying that night in your mind. 

Over and over again.

No matter how many empty bottles stacked up next to you, you couldn't forget.

The months blurred together, mail stacked up on your table. Text messages pilling up on your phone. Until they stopped coming. Your phone no longer rang, text message alerts no longer beeping late into the night.

You were by yourself.

Isn't this what you wanted?


Hi y'all!

I just wanted to say thank you for the love you have shown this book. I am forever in your debt.

Please shamelessly promote any work you love to read. Shameless promote your own work. I want to read more. I want to get to know y'all better too!

If you don't already know, my dear friend Charli colonelcalgary writes amazing one-shots. I highly recommend their book. My other dear friend, Abbie, -abbieeee- writes an amazing Dream fic that I also highly recommend. 

I stole the prompt that inspired this one-shot from Charli so please send them some love to make up for my thievery.

As always, Dream Team if you see this, no you didn't. But also hi, I'm 20.

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