[DREAM] & Burn

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lips meet teeth and tongue

God if it wasn't for that night. Buzzed with the courage that only tequila can give, you rushed forward to meet his lips.

my heart skips eight beats at once

In a second, your world tilted. Fire bloomed inside you, the burn almost too hot to handle. A pain so good. His lips pressed roughly against you, the taste of beer strong on his tongue. Why did he kiss you back? Why did he condemn you to a fate worse than death?

if we were meant to be, we would have been by now

You spent the next week shooting him looks only to be avoided. Your touch brushed away like lint on a dark shirt. Tension thick in the air. George and Nick asked you what happened. Questions you avoided like poison. You tried to get him alone, tried to ask him what happens now in the after.

see what you wanna see, all i see is him right now

You couldn't think of anything else. He flooded your thoughts, your dreams, he consumed every waking moment of your life. Why did he kiss you back if he didn't mean it? Why didn't he feel the same about you that you did about him? Why weren't you good enough for him to stay?

i'll sit and watch your car burn

with the fire that you started in me

Who wouldn't fall for Clay? He was the perfect kind of imperfection. His laugh just a little too loud, his words sharp but kind. You hung onto every word, rewatching videos just to recreate hanging out with him for one more moment. You pitfully hung onto the hope that you two would one day be together.

It was a mistake. That's what he told you the next day. A simple mistake that you two could forget and move on, your friendship salvageable.

But you couldn't move on.

but you never came back to ask it out

go ahead and watch my heart burn

with a fire that you started in me

Weeks went past, you tried to go back to normal. God did you try. You tried to push aside your feelings when the four of you would hang out. You covered the ache in your heart with laughs and half hearted jokes.

Then it happened. The very thing you dreaded since he told you to move on. You saw them together at the coffee shop you two would frequent. Every time you saw him laugh at a joke she made it felt like your heart had been ripped out of your chest.

but i'll never let you back to put it out

You did the best you could do. You built your walls up again. Avoided him harder. You slowly disappeared from his life. From his friend group.

You had built your life around him. His friends were your friends. Even so, they were his friends first. You couldn't ask them to stay in your life. You couldn't ask them to choose.

So you left instead.

You unfollowed them all, left the group chats, blocked their numbers.

You couldn't handle being reminded of him at every turn.

You couldn't handle having his relationship tossed in your face.

Your life was on fire, ghosts of moments were left behind. Buildings burnt down, tree stumps reminding you of what could have been. What had been if you just hadn't kissed him. You were content to just be his friends, content to live in the blurred lines between you two. Would they, wouldn't they. It was familiar, comforting. If you just hadn't kissed him. If you just hadn't forced him to make a decision.

Footsteps forever burnt into the ground, memorializing the day you left.

and i'll watch your car burn

with the fire that you started in me

but you never came back to ask it out

go ahead and watch my heart burn

with the fire that you started in me

but i'll never let you back to put it out

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