[DREAM] You are not broken.

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REQUEST: Hello idk if you take requests but can you write something about Dream comforting a crying Reader who is self-concious and hates their sexuality? I'm going through stuff haha if it's no bother though


You sniffle, your arms crossed at your chest as you pull your head as close to your chest as physically possible. Your chest burns, the hatred inside yourself making your cheeks turn a bright red. Tears stream silently down your face as you try to quiet your sobs. It's been a rough few weeks, needless to say. You've begun to question whether or not you're truly straight and that scares the shit out of you. It's always been beaten into you that anything less than straight is godless, a sin, the worst of them all.

Your discord goes off, your best friend Dream calling you out of the blue. Your shaky fingers answer the call as you cover your mouth to quiet the last of your sobs.

"Hello? (Y/N)?" You hear Dream's voice, concern lacing between every syllable when you don't immediately greet him.

"Hi Dream," You say, your voice cracking slightly as you try to make it less obvious that you were crying.

"Why are you crying?" He immediately asks as he turns on his camera in hopes that you would reciprocate. "Let me see you."

You sob, covering your mouth tightly, "No Dream."

You see his brows furrow as his mouth straightens into a line. "(Y/N), please... what's wrong?" He asks, leaning towards the camera.

You sigh and bite your quivering lip. "I-I...." You let loose your sobs, hugging yourself tightly. "I think I'm not straight."

Dream sits back, his eyes widening as his eyebrows raise in surprise. "Woah... (Y/N)... T-that's... t-that's heavy." He stutters as he struggles to find the right words.

You sob some more, hot tears streaming down your face.

"I don't mean that's heavy as in it's bad that you're not straight!" He immediately explains. Concern evident across his features. "Please... let me see you. I need to know you're okay."

You sigh, thinking for a long moment before turning on your camera. Your blotchy face comes up, pixelated slightly. Your eyes are red, showing every minute of the last 3 hours that you've been crying for. Your arms are wrapped tightly around you, trying desperately to soothe yourself. Dream sighs as he takes you in.

"(Y/N). You know there's nothing wrong with not being straight. There is nothing wrong with you. You're perfect in every single way. You not being straight doesn't take away from the fact that you're one of the nicest people I've ever met." Dream offers you a sad smile as he tries to collect his thoughts.

"But-" You stammer.

"No." Dream interrupts you. "There is no but. You not being straight doesn't negate all your wonderful qualities. You not being straight isn't even a negative quality. You're nice, you're smart, and you've got the greatest laugh. Anyone is lucky to be loved by you. To be loved by you would be the greatest thing to happen to a person.

Being queer isn't a bad thing. It's not a sin. You're worthy of love and you deserve to be happy in your own skin. I know it's hard to come to terms with the fact that you're not straight. It's heavy, but you don't need to hold it alone. Have you told your parents?"

You shake your head, your parents wouldn't be the most supportive of your newest revelation.

He takes a deep breath. "Then I'll hold it with you. You are not alone. You are not damaged goods. You're a beautiful human being, inside and out. And I'm here with you, forever."

You smile, your tears slowing. "Thank you for being the bestest friend ever, Dream."

"I know, I am (Y/N)." He jokes, giving you a classic lopsided smile.

He turns serious. "But, for real, (Y/N). Please don't think you're wrong or an abomination. You don't have to tell anyone you're not ready to tell. Thank you for trusting me enough to share this with me. I'll be with you every step of the way. And if anyone, and I mean anyone, gives you shit, I'll beat their fucking ass." He finishes, a look of determination on his face.

And in that moment, you suddenly felt like things are going to turn out okay. They may not be okay right now, but in the future you'll be just fine. You'll love someone with your entire heart and they will love every bit and piece of you in return. Your life is not as hopeless as you previously thought. You give Dream a smile as he begins to talk about what he and George got up to today in hopes of distracting you slightly and it worked.


I just want to say, I know that it's very hard to come to terms with the fact that you may not be as straight as you previously thought. As a member of the LGBTQ community, I struggled with it myself. I still struggle with my sexuality to this day.

But you are not broken. You are not someone to be fixed and fuck anyone who tells you different. And you do not have to worry about picking a label right now. Sexuality is fluid and can change, do not think you have to label yourself as anything other than 'not straight'. I think some people fall down a rabbit hole where they try to box themselves in because society loves labels. But it is totally okay to just say you're queer.

My DMs are always open if you ever need another perspective on things.

I love you all, my little chickens. 

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