[ALL] What the Dream Team reminds me of

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I know technically this isn't a one shot, but I just wanted to shove a few of my tumblr posts onto here. If you want, you can follow my tumblr too I post a lot of stuff on there, violett-writes.


Dream is orange. He is a sunrise on a crisp Autumn evening. He is finding out that there is one left of your favorite candy bar at the gas station. He is your 21st birthday. He is the moment you realize you've never been happier as you and your friends cry laughing. He is your high school graduation. He is moving into college. He is teenage excitement and the rush of your first love.

George is yellow. He is stopping on the side of the road to take a picture of a cow. He is picking a flower for your friend to put in her hair. He is childhood memories washed with longing for the past. He is a dream you can't quite remember yet leaves you with a soft smile. He is your kindergarten years. He is the gentleness of how a baby coos. He is a lazy Christmas morning with a fresh snow dampening the world's sounds.

Sapnap is purple. He is opening Christmas presents at age 12. He is your birthday. He is Halloween night and trick or treating. He is innocent giddiness. He is the rush of winning a race and the breathlessness afterwards. He is holding hands and wanting nothing more. He is Thanksgiving dinner with your friends, laughing at the burnt turkey. He is chaos in a storm you can't help running out into. He is dancing in the middle of a kitchen with no music because you can't help yourself.

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