[DREAM] Sneaky

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Imagine Reader is watching Dream edit. It's late so Reader decides to go to sleep but Dream wants to finish editing. Reader leaves him but they say to him "wait you have something on your face" Dream gets confused and Reader says "here", leaning him to give him a kiss. Dream gets flustered and calls them sneaky. Reader laughs, slightly embarrassed and wishes goodnight to him as they leave the room.


You and your boyfriend, Clay, or as the internet knows him, Dream, have been together for about 3 years now. The two of you moved in together last month and you won't say it's been perfect all the time. You have to navigate the new dynamic of your relationship. Now you have to deal with Dream recording, a mess of yelling and screaming, and constantly on the phone with George and Sapnap, something you didn't have to deal with before. His sleep schedule is also an issue. You never realized just how nocturnal the poor boy is. But you're navigating it and you're openly communicating with him when you begin to feel frustrated with his actions. As long as you have that, he always reassured you, the two of you will be rock solid.

Tomorrow is the MC Championship and Dream is still riding the high of last month's win. You can't say you're not excited for him either. You were right there next to him, having taken the day off of work, and watched eagerly on the edge of your seat. A few times, you had to cover your mouth to prevent you from squealing. As soon as he hit the winning shot, he whipped around to hug you, picking you up off the bed and screaming, "Let's fucking go!!!" You had never been happier.

So, with the MC Championship game in sight, you imagine Dream is going to be up late practicing tonight. He confirmed your thoughts over breakfast, making sure you'll be alright. You'll be fine, you told him confidently. You had taken the day off of work after all.

Here you are, 1 a.m. in the morning, watching him practice with half lidded eyes. Dream glances over at you, a bright smile plastered over his face. That boy is never happier than playing Minecraft with his friends.

"(Y/N), if you're tired just go to bed." Dream tells you, reaching over to rub your knee gently. You giggle, covering your mouth as you let a small yawn escape.

"Maybe I will..." You mumble.

Dream turns back to his monitor, "Say goodnight to (Y/N), everyone." He tells his team. You hop off the bed to hear from his headphones, a mashup of "Goodnights" coming through. You smile and ruffle Dream's hair, before wishing him a goodnight and warning him not too stay up too late.

You stop at the door, turning back to look at your loving boyfriend. He glances up at you, raising an eyebrow in question.

"Wait... you got something on your face." You tell him, moving closer with a small grin on your face.

"Where," He asks, frowning and rubbing at his cheeks.

You pull his hand away, "Here." You give him a soft kiss, loving the taste of him and the way your lips fit together like two puzzle pieces. You love this man with your whole heart. The way he seems to just fit perfectly in your life. You would take all the fights you've ever had and do them all over again just for one more day with him. The screaming, the constant chatter about Minecraft and George and Sapnap, the joke insults, the twitter feuds, everything. Just to be with this man. Even the most mundane activities with him feel special just because you're with him. At such a young age, you feel you've met your soulmate. Your lobster. Your forever.

You lean back, disconnecting from him and watch as his cheeks slightly heat up. "Sneaky." Dream tells you with a smirk, smacking your rear as you turn and walk out the room.

You squeak and turn back to him, "Sneaky." You chide him with a wink before going into your shared bedroom. Laying down with his pillow hugged tightly to you, you dream of nothing other than...Dream.

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