[DREAM] Snowfall Confessions

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REQUEST from the lovely calgarynotfound:

Dream and y/n get trapped in a cabin after a blizzard leaves them homeward bound but they watch movies and drink cocoa. Added layer, they haven't confessed their feelings to each other yet.

Side note: I will forever plug their story, Castaway. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it.


Your knee bounces relentlessly as Dream drives, leaned as close to the wheel as physically possible as he desperately tries to see through the snow storm just outside your car. You bite your nails nervously.

"C-Clay... maybe we should pull over?" You ask hopefully, straining your eyes to see any semblance of safety. He nods, his face pale as the car skids in the road for a second too long.

You spot a 'Motel' sign barely illuminated in the snow, the neon blinking 'rooms available' into the white. You point at it and he takes the turn, the tail end sliding. You grip the 'oh shit' handle tightly, your knuckles as white as the snow outside.

The two of you park wherever the car stops and get out, your legs weak. You two leave your bags where they sat in the trunk. Your hair whips around your face as you brave the cold towards the office. Clay keeps his hand on the small of your back, reassurance that you haven't blown away with the harsh wind. The door dings as you two push your way inside, the wind threatening to keep you locked outside in the cold.

The gentle old lady manning the counter smiles up at you two as you enter. She offers you a warm cup of coffee, no doubt brewing it as soon as she saw your car enter the lot.

"Just a double bed for you tonight? The weather is quite dreadful tonight." She murmurs, opening up an ancient book to pencil you two in.

You cough, blushing slightly. "Uh, two singles please." You glance over at Clay who seems to be just as red as you, the blush cannot be contributed to the cold.

The old lady raises an eyebrow as she looks through the book. "I only have a double available tonight, darling. Is that alright?" She softly asks, looking up to meet your eyes with a knowing smile.

"That's fine." Clay tells her, setting some cash on the counter. You furrow your brows and look up at him.

"I'll pay. I'm the one who suggested we go skiing and got us stuck in this mess." You tell him, pushing his money aside to place your card on the table.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry, but I only take cash." The old lady says, gently taking his cash and you look over at the card reader set on the counter confused. She has to be pulling your leg.

The two of you finish checking in for the night before braving the weather outside to go to your room at the end of the small building. Clay unlocks the door and pushes you in as you look over the room. It's actually quite cozy, a queen size bed in the middle of the room with a small chair in the corner. There's no T.V. but you don't mind, it's nice to get away from all the technology. Both of you had left your phones in your bags, which are conveniently in the trunk of your haphazardly parked car.

"I'll go grab our bags," Clay tells you, turning to go outside again. You grab his hand, shaking your head.

"No, no. Leave them. There's nothing we absolutely need for one night. No need to go out there again." As if to punctuate your point, the wind starts howling, snow whipping around even more aggressively than before. Clay glances outside the window before nodding and taking off his shoes, the snow dripping off them and onto the hardwood floor.

You sit on the edge of the bed, taking your own shoes off. You toss them into the corner and lay back onto the bed, sighing softly. "Need. More. Warmth." You say, your teeth chattering slightly as you get under the covers. Clay laughs, joining you in bed as he pulls the covers over himself. He lays on his side as he faces you.

"So...." You draw out the word, turning to face him as well. Your faces so close that your noses almost touch. You shiver slightly and Clay rubs your arm.

"Want to play twenty questions?" He asks, smiling as you snuggle a little closer to him, enjoying the body heat that practically radiates off of him.

You giggle, "Isn't that the game boys only play to ask if you're a virgin?" You cock your eyebrow at him, looking up to meet his eyes as blush creeps its way up his cheeks.

"I promise I won't ask you if you're a virgin, (Y/N)." He chuckles, rolling his eyes.

You nod, "Alright. Well, what's your favorite childhood memory."

You watch him intently as he thinks for a moment before answering, telling you of his family trips to Disney. The one upside to living in Florida. He tells you of sticky ice cream and way too fast rides, the cause of more than a few vomit incidences. You can't help but laugh loudly as he tells his stories. A gentle smile gracing his face as he remembers simpler times.

Questions blur together as the night goes on. The red time on the clock blinking 3 a.m. before you finally realize the snow had died down. You're snuggled into his chest now, his arm wrapped around your back in an attempt to warm you up.

You had been quiet for the past few minutes, your eyes closing and opening as you try desperately to stay awake.

"(Y/N)?" Clay whispers, as if scared he'll ruin the peaceful moment that had bloomed between you two.

You hum in response, acknowledging that you're still awake.

"I really fucking like you."

You glance up at him through your eyelashes, smiling softly as your hand comes to cup his cheek. "I like you too... a lot." You murmur. Clay's eyes bounce between your lips as your own as he pauses for a moment.

"Please kiss me." You whisper and he smiles, leaning in to give you a sweet kiss.

You two part and smile at each other for a few seconds before Clay chuckles. "I cannot believe it look a whole blizzard for me to finally tell you I like you."

You shrug, placing your head back on his chest as he leans his chin on top of your head. "It's kinda romantic... no phones, only the sounds of the wind..." You trail off, finally succumbing to your desperate need for sleep. A few moments later, soft snores escape you. Clay chuckles softly, pulling you closer to him as he falls asleep to the beat of your heart.

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