[DREAM] Subtle

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First Part: Simping

Second Part: Then Perish

Third Part: Rock and Roll

Final Part: Subtle

Dream sniffles, "Why don't you ever raid me? I thought you simped for me." He fake cries a little.

You giggle, covering your mouth with the sleeve of your sweatshirt. "Dream you never stream when I'm streaming."

You hear him sniffle again, "Well... if I do then will you raid me?"

You scoff, "Like you need my viewers." You giggle again, biting your lip slightly.

George groans loudly, "Can you two stop flirting right in front of my stream?!" He says, hitting you with a diamond sword.

"Ouchies." You murmur pouting.

Dream wheezes, "Ouchies?!" He mocks you, wheezing again.

The four of you messed around on the sever for another hour before George finishes up his stream. You scream goodbye, punching George a few times for effect. Sapnap screams with you, the two of you unfortunately killing him in game. His complaints overshadowed by your screams.

Sapnap and George leave the discord call, leaving Dream and you alone. The two of you talk for another hour, late into the night. You share your fears of not meeting the expectations of your parents and he shares his fears of not meeting the expectations of his fans. You never realized just how much pressure he felt being in the spotlight and how much pressure he felt to control his viewers. You reassured him that no one blamed him for the actions of his viewers, but he whispered to you that he did... he did.

Finally, you bid him a goodbye, promising to talk again in the morning.


dream2 @.dreamwastaken2

maybe i am a simp

George @.georgenootfound

...she's asleep piss baby

sapnap @.twsimpnap

simp dream confirmed

You wake up to your phone blowing up, the twitter notification going off every 10 seconds. You moan and rub your eyes, leaning forward to grab your phone from your bedside table. You blink a couple times before checking twitter.

Your eyes widen seeing Dream's tweet. You smile to yourself, hoping beyond all hope that it's a tweet about you.

Your fingers move across the screen quickly before you take a deep breath and press tweet


dream2 @.dreamwastaken2

maybe i am a simp

nootmare @.nightmare2


You wait a second before shaking your head, obviously Dream isn't going to respond in two seconds. You go to your bathroom to get ready for the day before sitting down at your computer, ready to stream again.

Your phone buzzes twice.


nootmare @.nightmare2


TommyInnit @.tommyinnit


Tubbo @.TubboLive

def flerting.

You smile again chuckling to yourself before starting up your stream, titling it as 'Early Grind'. You quickly tweet out that your stream is starting in five minutes and to make sure to join. You start up Minecraft and begin your stream as normal, ignoring all the questions about you and Dream. You're not sure if you have the answer to their questions in the first place.

After two hours of messing around on your server, not really doing anything productive, you get ready to raid someone. You noticed that barely 10 minutes ago Dream began to stream. How convenient.

"Okay guys, we're going to raid Dream. He gave me shit the last time I streamed for not raiding him, so make sure you let him know loud and clear that I sent y'all..." You tell your viewers, giggling before sending the raid his way.

You join his stream, waiting for his reaction to your raid.

"Wait, Nightmare, thank you for your raid! Took you long enough." Dream says, pausing the game. "And I'm sure you're watching so join the discord." He tells you and you giggle out loud. Of course he would assume that you would stick around to watch his stream.

You join the discord, noticing that it was only the two of you in it.

"Okay, hold on guys I gotta tell Nightmare something real quick." Dream tells his stream, muting himself so that only you can hear him.

"Nightmare..."He begins and you hear the smile in his voice.

You bite your lip, smiling hard, "Yes, Dream?"

"I saw your tweet..." He trails off, hesitating.

You giggle slightly, "And I saw yours."

He takes a deep breath, "If I sent you a merch sweatshirt, would you wear it?"

You can't help but laugh, feeling like the question is much more than what the surface meaning is. "Of course, Clay."

"Thank you, (Y/N)." He says, unmuting himself on his stream and continuing like nothing happened.

True to his word, he sent you a sweatshirt a week later, but he had thrown in one of his own. You could tell because it smelled exactly how you imagined he would smell, warm weather and coconuts. And true to your word, you wore the merch sweatshirt on the very next stream, making sure to acknowledge it to your viewers. Then, the stream after you wore his and everyone noticed the Florida Gators on the front of it. Dream complimented your sweatshirt one too many times anyways, so if the viewers didn't notice the Florida Gators emblem on the front, they sure as hell noticed his compliments.

The viewers also didn't fail to notice the fact that one week you didn't stream at all, but the next week you came back tanner than ever and spoke of your trip to Disney World. It didn't take too long for your fans to connect the dots between Dream's tweets about a mysterious girl who he is head over heels for and your brand new tan.

Neither of you ever acknowledged it to the viewers, choosing to keep your relationship private. But you also didn't shy away from relentlessly flirting with him over Twitter, tweeting pictures of blurred merch that hadn't been released from and pictures that just so happen to be taken in Florida. Your fans caught on eventually.


And that's the end of this miniseries! i hope you liked it :) be on the look out for more sapnap stuffs because there is definitely not enough.

as always, dream team if you see this, no you didn't. but also hi I'm 19.

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