chapter 12: Like Your Smile

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As I walk in the forest, my mind seems to explore the darkness of the night. The path is clear, though where I'm going is still in question. There's a bit of fog in the air which put me on edge. How exactly did I end up here? I can't remember. The only sounds you can hear are my feet and the wind. No animals are in sight, they all seem to be hiding. I'm very jumpy because I feel like something is going to happen. I turn around making sure no one's following me, but it's hard to tell. I embrace myself, one because I'm honestly scared and second because I'm cold. I look down and realize that obviously I'm cold! I'm wearing my rubber ducky pajamas. What the heck?! Did I forget to put my clothes on? The last time I did that was in kindergarten, dad realized when we were already in front of the school. I was late that day. From there he always checks before letting me going. And like, duck, really? I mean, I love this pajama but I won't ever show it to anyone, not even James. Suddenly, a light flashes in my eyes from the other end of the path. It's approaching fast. I panic, turn around and run. Trees after trees  pass me but I keep my eyes forward. Suddenly, I see no solid ground. I, just in time, stop myself from falling off a cliff. The scenery is very beautiful. The moon is bigger than I ever saw it and the stars shine bright. I'm definitely not in New York, that's for sure. If the situation was different, I would have stopped and looked while taking a mental picture to never forget this view, but instead I just freeze. What should I do? A gut feeling tells me that I need to not let this person get to me. I look up like I always do when I'm desperate for answers. It never works, but I still try. Wait, there's a bridge! I didn't see it at first but, it seems like there's one that's going to the other side. How did I not notice? When I put one of my feet on the wooden surface, it trembles —or is it me? Anyway, I start to slowly walk on it. Because of the fog, I can't quite say what this leads to. The bridge move and I know they're close. When I'm finally on the ground again I see who the person chasing me was.

 And it's... My parents?! What? 

I hear a horse noise and feel like I'm going to fall. It's Hamilton on a white horse. He takes his sword, because he got a sword, at this point why wouldn't he? His little figure defensively goes in front of me. Is he trying to protect me? From my parents? 

"What are you doing?" I ask, I really need to know.

"Don't let yourself be fooled by their appearance, it's a trap!" 

A trap? Where are we, in fantasy land?

He raises his sword in the air and cut the ropes that maintained the bridge! My parents fall and I see the look in my mother's eyes. She looks so disappointed. My knee falls to the ground as I put my hand over my face.

"What did you do?!"

"It was to protect you." He takes me in his arms. "Don't worry." Our eyes meet and something sparked in my mind. His eyes are magnificent. Our lips get closer and–

I wake up in a sweat. What the hell was that!? Damn...  my cheeks heat up. The gremlin, seriously? A sigh escapes my mouth. I look at my phone. 

6:15 am.

I could sleep a little more but I don't feel like being with my parents. I'm still mad they didn't tell me anything. I make myself breakfast, which means toast. Something nana makes would've been better, but that's fine. Making my way to my room to change, I walk past dad's office. I stare at it. I'm sure there are answers there. He doesn't want me to go in, but... It won't hurt anyone, no?

I turn the doorknob. I try to be as silent as I can, but the door seems to have another idea. They're in the room next door, so I need to be really quiet. There's paper all over the place. I grab one and my eyes linger on it, in disbelief.

"As you know, we are facing hard financial times in the current economy. We are taking this action to adapt to the market with new products and processes. Unfortunately, this action means that budget cuts within the company are necessary.
Due to this budget cuts initiative, we have come to the decision to eliminate positions within the organization. It is with deepest regret that I must notify you of your position being eliminated from the organization."

There's two letters, each with my mom's and dad's name on it. They both had great positions, placing our family on easy street. We never had money problems or at least not when I was born. It's the first time I even have to think about it. I always just assumed it was going to stay this way. Why wouldn't it? I thought one of them would even get a promotion! Not get cut out. Who do they think they are? Does that mean I have parents who don't have jobs right now? What's going to happen to me?! 

I hear my parent's door open and I do the only normal thing to do: Hide.

"Can we have at least have one more month? Please, I have a family, you can understand that, right?"

My dad enters the room on a phone call, and my heart skips a beat.

"We don't need separation benefits, we need our jobs!" After a little while, he sighs deeply.

"... Yes, my wife and I will be there to sign the severance agreement. Good day to you too." He takes a paper and write something on it, before hanging up.

Still hiding things I see. Can't they trust me with anything? They don't even know I know! Are they just going to keep me in the dark? What kind of family-

Dad's crying. 

I freeze. I never heard my dad crying. He's just always so positive and funny. Isn't he the one who says the Jeffersons are never scared, and they are always strong? I thought he was strong? He gets out of the room and I can breathe again. I wait a little before going to my room. No one saw me. I change fast and take my stuff before opening the front door.

The sun is waking up. I decide that today I'm going to ride on my bike. It's going to be colder in the next weeks, so I profit from the fresh weather. Anyway, I need to think about all of ... This. I feel so overwhelmed. My life was so calm before. It was just James and me. My parents on the side looking at us play, his parents besides them. I would fall and cry my eyes out, and they would all run to me, checking if I was alright. Why isn't there anyone asking if I'm alright, now? I'm angry with James and my stupid parents. I'm angry with the revolutionary gang and Hamilton. I only have Aaron. At last, I have him. I'm lucky, I know. But it still feels so hard. Everything is crumbling in front of me and I can't do anything about it except watching in despair. Why is this all happening to me?

I arrive at the school and park my bike. The rev' group is looking at me. What do they want? 

They walk up to me and Hamilton looks for something in his bag. He takes out a five. 

"It was Herc's turn to pay anyway." He gives me a reassuring smile. I like his smile. I take the money. He looks at John and pushes him.

"I'm...sorry for what I said, I was a little drunk so that's an explanation, though it's no excuse."

"You can hang out with us whenever you want, we'll be there!" 

"Oui, if you feel bored, you can text me again." 

I scan their face. Why would they do this? Pity? Did they realize they were out of line? Are they planning a prank on me?

"Thom'! Come on, I don't want to be late, you stupid tall train..." Aaron says the last part in a mumble.

"I'll...think about it." I flash them a smile before going with him. 

Quicksilver - Jamilton -Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt