Chapter 31: Can't sleep?

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Spots of blues, yellows, and pinks are swirling and dancing around in my mind as my brain works to process today's events. I had fallen asleep the second my head hit the pillow and was now in a state of sereneness. My consciousness long's been gone and time's passing without me having to notice it. I could have been out for minutes, hours, or days and I wouldn't even know. No dreams to disturb the calm, no nightmare to make me scream or cry, just me and my steady breathing. Nothing could ever wake me up- 

A sound coming from downstairs makes my eyes shut open. Guess I wasn't sleeping as deeply as I thought. I look at my pitch-black room trying to understand what's happening. Deciding this investigation is more important than sleep, I stand up and put a sweater over my head. My door creaks loudly, and I try to make my feet as light as possible. Before going to the stair, I take my baseball bat from the closet. It could be a thief trying to break in! Or maybe I watched too many scary movies this week, but in my defense, it was Halloween week. It doesn't matter, I need to be prepared. Okay, breathe, Thomas, this probably won't kill you, probably. Anyway, you're a big strong man, you could beat them up anytime. Right, it's not like you're still half asleep and are barely able to see your steps. I'm approaching the sound, and I will soon have the door in my vision. So, do I need to fight or not? 

I suddenly stop.

"Hamilton?" I whisper scream. 

Yes, I won't need to fight. If it really was a threat I would have anyway just plea them to leave my poor life alone and take anything they want, but whatever, this is better. 

"What are you doing?" I look at my phone: 2:24 AM. "We're in the middle of the night! You scared the life out of me." 

Hamilton's putting his shoes on while tying his hair in a ponytail.

"Sorry... I gotta go somewhere." 

"At two AM?! You are not going anywhere."

"What? Scared of the darkness?"

"Hamilton! It's dangerous!"

He crosses his arms ready to dismiss everything that I say so he can go. So, instead, I run upstairs.

"What are you doing?" I hear him say from behind me, still whispering.

"Wait here, wherever you're going, I'm coming. Just to drop you off, you know? I don't want you just walking around alone at night." 

I put as fast as I can the first decent clothes I see, and run back to Ham. 

"You know I can take care of myself?"

"It's not 'bout that, and you know it."

"I don't need you to come with me."

"And I'm still coming. Oh, I need my keys."

I go to the kitchen, where my keys somehow end up. 

"Come on, Gremlin." 

He sighs while I exit first. I look up to the sky.

"Pretty good night to be out," I say to myself.

"Oh? Do you have experience in night outing, to say that?" 

I growl. "I feel like you're more chatty than usual."

"I'm always like this."

"Where do you need to go, anyway?" 

"Hehhh, I'm not really sure. Just somewhere."

I stop walking and turn to look at him.

"Why do you need to just 'go somewhere'?" Is he uncomfortable in my house? Did he feel pressure to stay and now wants to go? Did I make him uncomfortable? I can understand, we don't really know each other, but he could have said something!

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