Chapter 28: Croissant?!

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Why the hell did I accepted to come? I think to myself while looking around frantically.

"Croissant?! Where are you, baby? I can't live without you!" 

Poor guy, he looks like he's gonna crumble and cry hysterically at any moment. Actually, if I concentrated on his face I can see tears stain on his cheeks. 

"Don't worry Laf', we're gonna find him, he can't be that far." I shrug, I don't know why he's being so dramatic, it's just a dog.

"Are we, though!?" He snaps at me. 

A sigh escapes my mouth. I'm way too tired for this. He asks me to come to help him find his dog, Croissant, and I couldn't say no. How dare people call me selfish when I do those kinds of things? I don't even understand why people got that idea. Maybe I just look selfish?

Huh, who cares, they'll think what they'll think of me. That's their problem. 

I wonder if I'm gonna be able to go home soon. It's dark and cold, and goddammit I just want a shower. 

"What does he look like? Little doggy?"

"Yes, he's small. Barks a lot. What if someone stole him!"

"What happened exactly?" 

"Croissant wanted to go outside to do his business, so I put him on a leach in the garden like I always do. Most of the time he would scratch the door after a few minutes, signaling he wants to come back inside. But tonight was different, I was just in my room when I notice he didn't scratch, and it's weird because it has been, like ten minutes! I go check, and what do I see?!"

"No dog?"

"No dog, Putain de merde! Mon pauvre, he must be so scared!"

"And why did you text me, and not the other guys?" 

"I did text them! Alex said he couldn't come, but that's not very surprising of him, John and Herc' came for a while but had to go after 2 hours of searching. We weren't able to find my prince. I texted you at the same time I texted them, you live very near, and I knew you would help me."

"Ah, sorry I didn't answer earlier, I was busy. I'm sure he's here somewhere. Most of the time, a neighbor finds the dogs. We can keep searching and tomorrow we'll do posters and a post on Facebook, okay?" I try to smile sympathetically. I never had a pet, my parents didn't allow it, so I can't really understand why he's so worked up, but I guess he probably has a very strong bond with him. 

"Okay, yeah, that's cool. I just hope we're going to find him. It's been three years since I first saw his tiny little face, and now I can't see my life without him." 

"It's gonna be fine." I couldn't really say more than that. I think the dog is fine, but what do I know? He could be dead. I don't want to make false promises. I put my hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him the way I can. 

I suddenly hear my phone ring. It's mom...

"Ha sorry, I need to take this." He smiles at me as I take my hand off and walk off not far.

"Hello, mom."

"Hon', where are you?! Why aren't you at home?"

"Well, I told dad I was out, I thought he would have told yo-"

"Next time tell me directly! You knew I was coming home earlier than him, you should have asked me."

"The thing is, I didn't know. Your schedules are so messed up these days, I can't keep up! Sometimes, I don't see you at all!"

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