Chapter 5: Tell me!

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After the adventure of yesterday, my dad punishes me for "embarrassing them" with my misconduct. I already had a punishment, so they just double it. Now no phone, TV, video games, and the worst of all... No James! For a total of 2 weeks. How can they! The good thing is that I had the chance to talk with Lafayette, and he seems like a great guy! Before going, he exchanges his phone number with me and James. The funny thing is that at the start James was an–

"Thomas, hey oh! What are you thinking about? You didn't even see me arrive." Aaron says after setting his plate on our usual table.

"Huh? Ah, hmm nothing important. Hey, you're still eating that scandalous, distasteful, and repugnant so-called cafeteria food?!"

"Yes, I was too lazy to make a lunch today and it's not that bad, you get used to it." I look at him as if he just said that he puts his milk before his cereal.

"You never ate French food, did you?" He looks at me and rolls his eyes.

"Soo," He curiously glances at me. "Do you have a crush?"


"Because I never saw someone so deep in their head for nothing. So were you thinking about a girl, or was it a boy?"

"Neither! I don't have a crush. People in this school are all ugly as heck." He gives me these eyes that meant "Ya serious?".

"–Everyone besides you, obviously!"

"Hmm 'kay, so did you had fun with your friend, James?"

"Yup! It was so fun! I even went down a tree, so-" I see Hamilton passing beside our table and curiosity takes over me.

"What? You went down a tree so...?"

"Forget that, do you know Alexander Hamilton?"

"Yes, why's that?"

"Tell me about him." He seems to think about something before answering. I think he is thinking about what he's going to say. He always does this, very cautious with his words.

"Well, actually, we were friends not so long ago–"

"You're not anymore?"

"If you'll let me continue," I pretend to zip my mouth, and he just rolls his eyes with a small grin before going back into serious mode. "We always knew each other, but we started to get close when he went to the library more often. His friends weren't really studious, they were more of the "have fun and don't care" mentality. He didn't agree with them." I can easily believe that part, he always raises his hand and gives his exam first. Though most teachers (especially Mr. Adams) don't like him, he has a big mouth and isn't short on insults. "One day he asked if he could sit with me and well, I didn't say no. We started doing this at least one time a week. Sometimes we didn't even study and just talked about books, exams or teachers. That was until... Well, we had an argument... I'm not sure I should tell you this."

"No, please tell me! This is fascinating."

"Ok, well you can't say I didn't warn you." He takes a big breath before pursuing. "It was about you, I mean the argument. Not that I'm saying it's your fault, just that you were the subject of our... heated debate. It was a normal day, I was doing my math homework when he showed up and told me, as quietly as he could 'cause it was a library "Can we talk?" and I was a bit confused by his angry tonne. People were rarely mad at me, plus I didn't do anything wrong so, at the time, there was no logical explanation as to why he would be annoyed. He started with "Why were you with Jefferson at school?" and I understood what it was about, but could only theories about the intentions. It was either jealousy out of love or upsetting out of hate, and well anyway, I had to calm him down. I simply answered with "We met on the first day, and he seemed like a cool guy." I don't th-"

"You think I'm a cool guy? Aww thanks, 'ron. I also think you're a cool guy."

"First, don't ever call me "ron" again. Second, stop interrupting me. Third, well, thanks." I nod my head intensely. "Where was I? Ah yes. I don't think he liked my answer 'cause he became more frustrated. He started to say bad things about you. Like how mean you were and how much you don't care about others, things like that, just more vulgar. I defended you, saying that he based his opinion on nothing more than rumors and that I could make my own conclusion on you. He just didn't stop. We went back and forth and it ended pretty badly because not he nor I wanted to say the other was right. In the end, I don't think he ever thought of me as a friend if he could ditch me for so little." He says the last phrase looking at Hamilton who was talking to his friends.

"I don't know if it's going to help but, I think of you as a friend and I'll be happy to study with you." I say that while doing finger guns.

"Pfft, thanks, Thomas."

"Well thank you for defending me, the prick is missing something."

"Yeah, but maybe I overreacted? Like, maybe he had a bad day and just wanted something or someone to get it out."

"My father always told me to not make excuses for others and if they hurt you, whatever is the reason behind it, it doesn't change the fact that they hurt you."

"Maybe... Hey, did you finished "Broken–And Fixed Again", the book you borrowed?"

"Yesss, Oh my lord It was sooo good!"

While I'm talking with Aaron I notice Hamilton glancing at us. Even if it's for a split second, I'm pretty sure he looked at us, and just that made my mind wander with a million questions I'm not sure I will ever have the answers to.

Quicksilver - Jamilton -Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora