Chapter 32: Surprise! It's bad news

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"Ok, let's observe the picture on page 154. So, does anyone know who this man is?"

I'm about to raise my hand to answer but a certain gremlin's faster than me.

"It's Anthony J. Crowley, an activist of the 50s."

"Raise your hand next time, and yes, here he's giving a speech to protestants..."

A proud smile spreads on the straight-A's student's face. It's the most aggravating yet endearing expression I have ever seen, and I don't know what to think of it. As if things couldn't get worse, he notices me staring and send me a wink. I turn my head rapidly. Well, at least I know he's in a good mood, that's for sure.

"Mister Jefferson, pay attention, please. This will be on the test."

Embarrassed of being called out, I try to look occupied to make people stop eyeing me. Right, the test, I'll have to study tonight. How sad, I wanted to beat that level I've been stuck on, or maybe hang out with James? You know what, I could just study tomorrow. Wait, no! I can't, I have to practice with the football team, and then work. Damn, I can't procrastinate today, huh. That's really no fun. 

"Okay guys, don't forget to study for Friday! Have a good day."

I start to walk to the cafeteria when I feel someone following me. I stop suddenly in my track and the said person bumps in my back. 

"Ouch, hey! Don't stop like that."

I look down to meet Hamilton's eyes. 

"Did you want to join us for the break again?"

"Yes, stealing Angelica's chips is very fun."

"Whoa, courageous. Last time you almost got killed for doing that."

"This time, I'll be more subtle. She won't even notice."

"You wish that was true."

"I don't need to wish, it is true."

"Yeah, in your dreams."

We sit down and Angelica joins us some minutes later.

"Okay, first of all, you're wrong, and second, you know I'm right."

"Okay, what's this about," She smirks in amusement while I growl. 

"This idiot thinks chocolate is better than chips!"

"Hey, you're the idiotic one! Who the fuck likes chips more than chocolate. It's, like, against common sense."

"Well, I do, like most people!"

"Pfft, I don't know anyone besides you that thinks that."

In the middle of our little fight (Honestly, I don't know if we can really call it a fight, but yeah...) my phone notifies me of a new message.

James: I'm in your school, where are you?

PerfectMacaroniking: What? Why are you in my school? And the cafeteria.

I frown. Why's James here? 

"Okay fine, wE All hAvE dIffErEnt tAstEs, happy?" 

"Yes, very much, thank you." 

"But I still think his tastes in snacks are shit-"

I wave at the lost James. He runs to our table.

"Hey, Jimmy. What's up?"

His face's red and he's breathing hard because of the running. James was never good at that activity, or sport for that matter. 

"He-hey! I need to talk with you."

"You didn't need to come all the way here to do that! You could have just texted me."

The two witnesses of the conversation look at each other with confused eyes and then at me, but I try to put my attention on James. 

"No, this is important. Come on, we don't have a lot of time."

"Oh, okay. I'll be right back guys."

With a worried face, I guide him to a silent corner of the school.

"So, can you tell me what's going on? I don't like your tone."

"Well, hmm, how can I tell you..."

The suspense is unbearable. I feel like screaming but instead, I just wait. Wait for him to speak. I tap my foot on the floor repetitively to manifest all the energy of my questioning somewhere. What does he want to say? What could be so important for him to go all the way here to tell me? What is it? All the answers that come to my mind are horrible stuff, but I mean, it's probably not all that, right? I wouldn't be logical, so don't assume anything. Just wait.

"Hmm," He gives me that look. A sympathetic one, yes, but also a pitying one. "I'm sorry Thomas, my mom told me you were moving at the end of the month."


"You're still going to this school, and from what my mother told me, it's pretty close, so you don't need to worry about that, but..."

He didn't finish his phrase, but we both know what he wanted to say. And anyway, he didn't need to finish it.

"Are you okay?"

"... I don't feel a lot right now? I'm really just in shock."

"Okay, that's, hmm, I need to go back to my school, but I'll text you tonight, okay?"

"Okay, thanks for telling this to me, by the way."

"It's really the least I could do."  

I aimlessly return to the table with a blank look on my face. Okay, so, let me get this straight, we're moving from the house? We're moving from the house. What does that mean for me? I'm gonna have a smaller room? Are we moving to an apartment? Are we going to have annoying neighbors? I won't have the park anymore, or have James 5 minute away, will I? And all these memories, this house is my home, what am I going to do without it? And why am I not angry? But at who could I be angry at? My parents? I mean, they still didn't tell me, so why don't I feel anything? It's like time stopped, everyone is moving and living, but I'm just stuck. I'm not even sad, but I'm certainly not happy. Hollow, maybe that's the word. 

"Jeff', you okay?" Hamilton looks somewhat worried.

"Huh? Hmm, yes...? Or maybe no? I don't know, I'm not sure."

"Can I ask what did James said?"

I sigh. "He said that I was moving, and I don't know what to feel about it."

"Oh my! Is it far?"

"No, no, I'll still be in the city."

"When are you moving?"

"Huuh, I think he said at the end of the month?"

"And you didn't know until now?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Well, if you need any help packing, call me!" I glance at Angelica.

"Yeah, I'll help you too. I own you one anyway." Then, at the gremlin.

I look at the two. At this moment, I realize that I'm really grateful to have supportive people around me. I'm really lucky.

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