Chapter 21: New breeze

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Ah, the spooky month has started. Decorations, music, and weird candles are official out. Do you know what else comes in, in October? Autumn. And do you what Autumn brings? Cold. And I hate- No despise being cold. It's like the worst feeling ever! And there's people who will say "But being hot is even worse, no?" Wrong! It's nothing compared to the horrid, awful, scandalous, offensively detestable cold. 

At least that's what I'm thinking while I'm waiting for my father to arrive. He said he would come pick me up this morning, but he's still not here, and I'm going to be late if he continues at this rate. I don't want to run to the subway again! I see a car slowing down in front of me. Is this a creep? Someone I know? A kidnapper?! I step back a little while their window goes down, scared of what I might see. 

"Thomas, my son, how are you doing!" Oh, It's James's dad.  

"Huh, I'm doing great sir, you?" 

"I'm good, your dad said to come pick you up since he couldn't make it."

Seriously, dad? I know what you're trying to do, and it's not funny! If there's James's dad, there's James too. Dad's trying to make us make up. 

"What are you waiting for!"

I jump at the sudden screaming.

"Y-yes, I'm going, sorry."

I enter the car and, surprise! James is sitting next to me. He's looking outside, not paying me even a glimpse of attention. 

"So, it's been a while since the last time I saw you, huh! Are you trying to avoid me?" Mr. Madison is a really intimidating guy. From what I know, he's not the most caring person, and he's quite cold to James, but I don't know much, it's not James's favorite subject. But my observation is: he's assertive, straightforward sometimes to the point of being rude, not easily pleased. For example, he has a very precise way to make coffee that if you don't make it exactly like he asked he won't drink it. Oh, Did I mention he's also the kind of dad to wear sunglasses inside?

"Haha, no sir, I was just busy. Senior things, you know?"

"I feel you, I still remember my senior year..." And here we go, starts talking and never stops to breathe. Good thing I don't need to listen, he already does that himself. I can instead think of the elephant in the room, the weird ambiance in the back of the car. James and I are super aware of each other's presence. We're not looking, but we feel it. Normally, we would be whispering and making fun of his father, while he rambles, but I didn't even see his eyes since I entered. It's either because of him or because I'm too much of a coward to face my problem, and look at him in the eyes. We stop at a red light and suddenly I remember what his father always does at a red light.

"You know boys what that means–"

"NOoooo!" We grumble out in unison.

"Mix'n'twist!" It's an old game his father makes us play every time the first red light of the ride appears. You basically need to name two aliments that alone taste great but together are disgusting. James and I have a hate/love relationship with it, but we always have fun in the end.

"Ketchup and Nutella!" He squirms out on the same tone you'd say 'eureka!'.

"Disgusting! That's incredible! Thomas?"

"Huh... Ice cream with fish flavor!"

"Ew, I would never eat that! Awesome boys! Here's your chocolates." He gives little bars of chocolate. That's also a tradition.

We laugh 'cause how can you not, it's the stupidest thing ever, yet we still do it with as much enthusiasm as we did when we were children.

"We're so stupid."

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