Chapter 60: First Date

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I ran from my closet over to the bathroom, knocking a compact of blush off the counter as I hurriedly put on some bright red lipstick in the mirror.

I squealed and watched my eyes widen in the mirror as I heard a knock on the door.

"Shit," I said out loud before scurrying to the front door, opening it slightly and peaking my head around the corner.

"Uh... hey there?" Chase said, looking slightly confused by me hiding behind the door.

"Hey, sorry. I'm still getting ready. Come in!" I said quickly, covering myself with the door and opening it more to let him walk through.

I saw his eyebrow cock and a slight smirk spread across his face as I shut the door behind him. I played dumb, ignoring him and waltzing back toward my room. I could feel his eyes following me, so I stopped just before walking through the door and turned back to face him.

"What? Nothing you haven't seen before," I said playfully as I turned back around. I'd answered the door in just a little crop top and a black thong and he hadn't stopped drooling since...

"Just not how I envisioned picking you up for our first date," He said with a laugh.

He couldn't see me since I was already in my closet thumbing through different skirts, but I took a slight pause... panicking a little at the word date...

Was this a date? Did I want it to be a date?

"This is hardly our first date, Chase" I yelled back, deciding that it might as well be a date... I mean, what did I have to lose? And I might as well get a free meal out of him.

I picked out a black leather skirt, slid it on and joined him in the living room. He stood up from the couch and placed his hand over his heart dramatically, like he'd just been shot.

"You look stunning," he said, causing me to blush.

I tried to brush him off, rolling my eyes in his direction before walking to the front door.

"Flattery will get you far in life," I said back jokingly.

We walked down the stairs and I saw his car parked in front of the building.

"You brought your car to LA???" I said back with my jaw hanging open. Not that many people here had cars, most of the time you just walked or took a cab, so it was a nice switch up.

He walked in front of me, running his hand down the black exterior of his Camaro before swinging open the passenger side door for me.

"Thank you," I said with a giggle as I hopped in. I was shocked at how much of a gentleman he'd become. This was not the same Chase I'd known back home...

I glanced around the car, looking over my shoulder and into the backseat as he got in the drivers side.

"Getting flashbacks?" He said mischievously, nodding toward the back of the car.

I could see him glancing over at me out of the corner of my eye so I tried to stifle the smile that was forming across my face and stared ahead at the road.

Truthfully, I was having flashbacks. We'd shared plenty of hot and heavy moments together in that backseat... thinking about it was making me less excited for the date and more excited for after the date...

"Remember that one time that we got busted by the cops when we were parked out by the river?" Chase said, causing us both to burst out in laughter.

"Oh my god, I was fucking mortified!!" I said in between giggles.

"YOU were mortified?! At least you had a skirt on, my pants were around my ankles!" He shouted back.

"Yeah, but he called my parents not yours!" I said, both laughing and cringing at the memory.

"Oh god, I thought your mom was never gonna forgive me. She wouldn't look me in the eyes for weeks." He said back as our laughter died down.

"Yeah, I still don't think she's your biggest fan," I said, shifting the tone slightly and looking out the window as we rode.

There was an awkward air and I immediately regretted saying anything, but then he spoke up and broke the silence.

"Look Heidi, I'm gonna prove her wrong. I'm gonna make it up to you... to everyone. I've changed, I really have." He said, glancing over at me with a serious look on his face.

"You don't need to make anything up to me, I don't even know if I'm ready for-" I started to say before he put the car in park. I looked up to see that we were at the restaurant already and I took it as an excuse took get out and end the conversation before I had to explain myself any further.


We'd had a really nice dinner and then gone for drinks afterwards. I'd noticed that Chase didn't really get as drunk as he used to, he'd paced himself and had a few drinks throughout the night... I was relieved that he wouldn't be getting hammered and flying off the deep end like he used to... but I, on the other hand, was absolutely toasted.

I knew I wanted to hook up with him, but I was scared that I wouldn't be able to go through with it... so what was the best solution?


We were riding home and I had the music in his car blaring, singing the words at the top of my lunges and shimmying around in the passenger seat.

Chase leaned over and turned the volume down. Before I could protest, he opened his mouth to speak.

"Should I take the Freeway or Western to get back to your apartment?" He asked, his hand hovering over the volume knob so I could resume my jam sesh after he had his answer.

"Why don't we go back to your place instead?" I said, peaking over at him to gauge his reaction.

He didn't say anything, but a smirk spread across his face as he turned the music back up and changed lanes.

I figured this was the best way to avoid another Vince-On-The-Voicemail situation and really I was interested to see what his apartment looked like.

Once we'd gotten there, he opened the door to reveal a decent sized apartment. Kinda messy, but pretty big for one person. I took a few steps in, had a quick glance around and decided that I'd seen enough... I turned around and practically pounced on Chase. He stumbled back a bit, as my body slammed up against his, causing the door to shut loudly behind us.

We made out wildly as he guided us towards his room, falling on top of me on the bed and yanking my skirt down.

He started to kiss down my stomach and for a split second, I thought about how strange it was to look down and see brown hair instead of blonde...

But the thought was pushed out of my head almost immediately as he slide his tongue inside me and I breathed out his name heavily.


The next morning I woke up beside Chase, who was asleep on the other side of the bed. He was never much of a cuddle-er, but I definitely didn't mind it right now. I could use the space... my mind was swimming.

I sat up slowly, trying not to wake him. I decided I'd rummage through the kitchen and find something to snack on while I tried to figure out what the hell I thought about this whole situation.

I mean... I'd had a great time last night. And Chase was... great. Just like I'd remembered. But he seemed like he was looking for a little more than I was ready for right now. Or... I don't know, it has been a few months since everything with Vince and I still couldn't seem to get him off my mind. Maybe the best way to do that was to jump into something new...

Just as I'd grabbed some cereal from the cupboard and swiveled around to head back into Chase's room, I dropped the box and let out a loud squeal. I'd turned around and was face to face with a man... with long blonde hair??

Angel (Vince Neil, Tommy Lee, Nikki Sixx fan fic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat