Chapter 102: My World

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Vince's POV

Nikki stood on one side of me, with Tommy on the other, both dressed in black suits. I couldn't see Heather, but I could hear her beside Tommy sniffling every few seconds.

It was a gloomy day, overcast and grey and it'd just started drizzling. The weather was exactly how I was feeling, but you wouldn't have been able to tell from my face. I stood there, staring forward with no expression. I couldn't cry, I couldn't get angry... I was just numb, totally blank. I couldn't feel anything.

There was a sea of people behind me, but I hadn't recognized any faces... it wasn't like I would've talked to anyone if I had. I'd barely even said two words to Tommy and Nikki.

I watched as the casket started to shut. I tried my hardest to take in every one of her features before it closed and I was hit with the realization that I'd never see them again.

Still, I felt nothing. It was like I was dead inside... it should be me they were closing inside a casket... not Heidi.

"And now we'll have a word from Mr. Neil, Heidi's fiancé... Oh excuse me, boyfriend. He was going to propose to her, but never got around to it. Dumb move, if you ask me." The pastor said, causing people around me to laugh.

I finally looked up from the shut casket when I heard that and saw someone standing far off, creeping behind a big tombstone.

I just knew it was him. He had on all black, but instead of a suit it was a hoodie, covering his face so that I couldn't see it.

Without even thinking, I took off running in his direction. He stood his ground, as I got closer and closer and started to roll my sleeves up to get ready to hit him.

Just before I got to him, he raised his hands up to his hood and lowered it off of his head... and then all of his clothes fell to the ground in a pile and he'd disappeared.

"Huh?" I said out loud, looking around confused.

I turned back toward the funeral, but standing directly behind me was... was Heidi?? Except she was ghostly pale, wearing a white dress that had a red blood stain growing from the middle.

"Vince, why didn't you save me?" She asked, before collapsing into my arms just as she had in the parking lot.

I knelt down to the ground, holding her and trying to shake her awake. I put my fingers to her neck and couldn't feel a heart beat...

"No! Heidi, please..." I said as I held her to my chest and started to cry.

All of a sudden, he was back. Standing over the both of us, again with his hood up casting an eerie shadow so that I couldn't see his face. But this time, he was holding a knife. He reared back and went to stab Heidi with it.

"Noooo!" I cried out-

I gasped as jerked myself awake and the realization that it was all a dream came rushing in. I was in a little chair that I'd pulled up to sit next to Heidi, who was unconscious in the hospital bed.

I had my hands clasped around one of hers and I'd laid my head down next to them, listening to the slow, constant beeping of the heart monitor she had on. I must've fallen asleep... I don't know how. I'd been a ball of stress for the past 24 hours, not able to do anything except watch her lay there and hope she'd wake up.

The doctors said she'd be up by now. They said the surgery went good, she'd lost a lot of blood but that she'd be fine and she'd be up within three or four hours... but it'd been almost 24 and she hadn't moved a muscle.

I hadn't left her side the entire time, I didn't wanna let her out of my sight. I hadn't eaten, I hadn't even slept until just then.

But damn if I wasn't exhausted. I leaned my head back down, resting it onto the bed and trying to convince myself that I could close my eyes... I was right here, nothing bad was gonna happen to her-

Angel (Vince Neil, Tommy Lee, Nikki Sixx fan fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora