Chapter 55: Broken

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One Week Later

Heather and I had just gotten back to her apartment from spending the entire day looking at different flower arrangements. I was exhausted and I thought if I had to pick between another calla lily or peony that I might explode.

I walked into Heather's room and plopped down on the bed, I could hear her flip on the TV in the living room as I slid my shoes off.

"I think I'm gonna go back to my apartment and take a nap," I exclaimed from room to room as I sprawled out on her bed.

"Yeah I'm fixing myself a cup of coffee, did you want one?" She yelled back and I heard footsteps lead to the kitchen as she began rummaging around in the cupboards.

"I'm alright, my bed's calling my name." I said excitedly as I started to get up.

Just as I did, I jumped in my skin as I loud crash filled the apartment. It sounded like broken glass, so it wasn't a shock when I walked out of the room and saw Heather standing over a broken coffee mug.

I was so distracted by the cup on the ground, that I hadn't even looked up at Heather... who I realized as my eyes trailed from the shattered glass and up to her face, was holding one hand over her gaping open mouth as she stared at the TV.

"Heather, wha-" I started to say as I walked closer. But my voice trailed off when my eyes landed on what Heather's had been locked on.... the TV screen.

I felt all the wind knocked out of me instantly as I read the words and the room started spinning. I couldn't tell if I was going to pass out or throw up. I started to blink rapidly to try and clear away the black dots encroaching on my vision.

I grabbed the back of the couch to steady myself before I finally looked over at Heather. I knew immediately that I had to get my shit together, because she was seconds away from a break down. Her lip was quivering and she hadn't moved a muscle. She stood in the exact same spot, her hand still covering her mouth, with glass shattered around her feet, staring up at the TV screen.

I carefully stepped around the glass and put an arm on her shoulder. I wanted to comfort her... to tell her everything was going to be okay, but shit... I couldn't even do that for myself. I just stared back at the screen with her, both of us looking straight ahead in silence.

The words traipsing so casually across the bottom of the screen, over and over, said in big, bold letters:

Reports say Nikki Sixx Overdosed early this morning and was pronounced dead on scene

... Nikki...

... Nikki Sixx...

... Dead...

... Overdosed ...

... Pronounced dead...

I watched it scroll across the screen as my eyes read it over and over, landing on the words and not even processing them.

What the fuck do we do? What do I do? Should I call Tommy? Heather's a mess... hell I'm-I'm a mess?

"H-h-Heidi?!" Heather said, her voice shaking and cracking as she bellowed out my name in shock.

"I-I know," I said, knowing exactly what she was trying to say even with no words actually spoken.

"I know." I said again, this time more firm, as I looked over at Heather for the first time since I'd peeled my eyes off the TV screen. She had tears streaming down her face and had begun to shake uncontrollably.

Angel (Vince Neil, Tommy Lee, Nikki Sixx fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now