Chapter 25: Shitty Security

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It'd been a week since Vince had left and I'd spent most of it catching up on sleep, since I knew I wouldn't be getting much of it on tour, and shopping for new outfits with Heather. She was handling the tour thing really well so far. Tommy called her pretty much every night and she was coming with me to visit them when my Hilfigure campaign was over.

I walked into my apartment and kicked the door shut with my foot since I was balancing seven or eight huge shopping bags in my hands. Vince had sent me flowers a few days after he left along with an envelope full of cash and a note that said to go out and buy a new "rockstar girlfriend wardrobe and a few pieces of lingerie."

Of course, I immediately called him and told him I had my own money and that I was sending it back, but after some sweet talking he convinced me to keep it and go out on a shopping spree with Heather.

I'd gotten a new skirt with mesh panels on the sides, lace up leather pants, studded bras... Heather and I had basically bought out half of the stores on the strip and now I was ready for a much needed nap.

I dropped all of the bags on the floor and hopped over the back of the couch, landing in the middle and sprawling out underneath a blanket that'd been draped over the arm.

I laid down and closed my eyes... but then popped one open as I noticed something sitting on the coffee table. It was another little white envelope, like the ones from before.

Mrs. Betty, we are gonna have to have a talk about personal space, I thought to myself as I sat up and grabbed the note.

I ripped the envelope off and read in the same handwriting as before:

'I'm always here if you get lonely with your boyfriend being gone.'

Aw, that's so sweet of her. She'd probably overheard Vince and I talking on the phone through these paper thing walls about him being gone. I knew that she lived alone and was probably pretty lonely too, I should really go over there and thank her for these and spend a little time with her.... and maybe get my key back so she can't just waltz in her whenever she pleases.

Eh, not right now though, I thought as I tossed the letter back onto the coffee table and laid down to finally take a nap.

Vince's POV:

"We're Motley Fucking Crue everybody, have a wild rest of your night! Thanks for coming out, you crazy motherfuckers!!!" I yelled as we ran off stage and down the hallway, back to our dressing room. The hallway was always full of people hooting, hollering and clapping us on the back as we ran down it. Sometimes they would spray champagne or hand us bottles of jack to take back to our dressing rooms.

The hallway run was always the last bit of adrenaline from the show wearing off, then we'd get back to our dressing rooms and try and get as fucked up as possible, as quick as possible, to try and feel as good as we did walking off that stage.

We'd only done six shows so far but they were all. Fucking. Insane.

Everywhere we went people were shouting our names, cameras were flashing, people were chasing our tour bus. It was nuts.

We had interviews with tons of radio stations and tv channels, MTV being the main one. We'd shot promos for magazine covers and poster spreads.

People supplied us with anything and everything we needed to get fucked up. If we wanted a bottle of Jack, it was in our hand. If we wanted coke, it was in our hand. If we wanted fucking gold plated jelly beans, they would've been in our hand in a fucking millisecond.

We were making so much money per show that we had no clue what to do with it... of course, a good bit of it was taken by management to pay for the aforementioned drug and alcohol supply, but the rest was all ours. We'd already set plans to buy a private plane so we didn't have to bus everywhere and I'd bought myself a Rolex... so what else was I supposed to spend it on?

Tommy and I had hatched up a plan to send Heidi and Heather a little chunk of change to keep them from missing us too bad, but I got a call from Heidi chewing my head off for doing that so I knew I couldn't do it again. I guess I could just buy her stuff myself, but I'd have no clue what to get for her... I could probably pay somebody to pick it out and buy it for me...

Mick had mentioned that we could save the money, but come on? Save the money? Who's gonna do that? Live fast, die young and you can't take that shit with you to the grave.

I burst in to the dressing room and was surrounded by girls in scantily clad outfits. Greaaaat, this was one of those venues with shitty security that just let anyone and everyone backstage.

I walked straight to the vanity mirror where I'd been getting ready before the show and cracked open a beer that was sitting on the counter. Nikki and I had split a bottle of Jack on stage just to get a reaction out of the crowd and I was starting to feel it making me a little dizzy.

I couldn't even turn around to walk back out of the door before I was swarmed with girls on all sides of me. One had on a Motley Crue tee shirt that she'd cut into a V neck. Another had on a leather dress and the third had on a tee shirt with my name on it that she'd sliced half off to show some under boob, peaking out from the bottom of the shirt.

They immediately bombarded me with questions, one twirling her hair in her fingers, the other batting her eyelashes and one even put her hand on my shoulder as she spoke.

"Hey Vince, what's your favorite song to play out there? Mine's live wire. It gets me so hot when you start yelling into the mic..."

"Vince, how far away is your hotel room? I'm sure the three of us would love to see it..."

"Have you ever been with a girl from Arizona? We're a lot of fun..."

I looked past them and saw Tommy across the corner, in a similar situation with two different girls batting their lashes and twirling their hair up at him.

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