Chapter 114: He's Gone

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Heidi's POV

I dropped my suitcase to the ground and reached my hand up to knock on the door, my heart starting to flutter as I did.

I couldn't believe it... here I was, moving back in with Vince... Third times the charm, right?

I tried making a joke of it to keep myself from feeling the nerves that had started to well up inside of me. I just so badly wanted it to work out this time, but things were going so good. And whenever things started to go right, I always found myself waiting in fear for the other shoe to drop.

I mean, the last time I felt this good was probably Heather's wedding night and look how that turned out-

The door swung open and I was thankful to be rescued from my thoughts as Vince greeted me with a hug and went to pick up my bag. I walked inside and only made it a few feet before I stopped in my tracks, my mouth hanging open.

"Vin... what's all this??" I asked, looking around the room in shock.

"Well... I wanted to make your first official night back in our apartment special." He said, putting emphasis on the word our.

All the anxiousness I'd had built up melted away as I walked further into the room and saw everything he'd set up.

The room was dark, except for the dozens of candles that were spread about the apartment, causing a hazy glow around the rest of the display.

There were flowers everywhere. Vases full of them, covering every table and counter top in the whole apartment. There had to be at least twenty or thirty?? And petals scattered all across the floor. It was beautiful. A mix of purple and blue and pink... Wildflowers... My favorite.

"You remembered..." I said in disbelief, running my hand over the flowers in the vase closest to me.

"How could I forget." He said, walking up from behind me and pulling me into him as we both admired how mesmerizing the entire room looked. And then he leaned down to my ear and started to talk softly.

"You like wildflowers, not roses... You eat cereal with no milk...You're kinda grumpy in the morning if you wake up before noon."

"Hey!" I interrupted him, laughing and turning around to face him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked up at his big brown eyes glowing in the candlelight.

"You didn't have to do all this," I said, shifting to a more serious tone as I reached up on my tiptoes to kiss him.

"There's more!" He said excitedly as we broke apart and he grabbed my hand, leading us over to the couch.

There was a bottle of Champagne and two glasses sitting on the coffee table. He sat on the couch and started to fill both glasses, handing me one as I sat beside him.

"Cheers," he said, holding his glass out to clink with mine.

"Happy New Year." I said tapping his glass against mine with a giggle

"It's gonna be our best one yet, trust me." He said, smirking just before he took a sip.

A few hours had gone by, we'd just been sitting intertwined on the couch drinking and catching up. We'd finished the entire bottle of champagne and I was feeling pretty buzzed... and pretty appreciative of Vince for completely squashing any nerves I'd built up about moving back in.

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