Chapter 58: Changes

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Heidi's POV - Ch. 56

"Heidi," I heard Vince say softly into my ear as he squeezed my shoulder with his hand. I slowly blinked opened my eyes to see that I was in the exact same position I'd fallen asleep in. Vince had somehow managed to get both legs up on the couch, so I was pretty much on top of him with one of my legs draped on top of his.

God, it felt good.

For a split second I forgot I was actually in a hospital.... and on a small ass loveseat... and- and oh shit. Nikki...

I shot up off of Vince's chest as soon as I remembered why the hell we were here in the first place. I looked down at him and he seemed amused by how startled I was. Before I could open my mouth to say something sassy, I noticed Tommy, Heather and a different doctor standing in a circle behind us, waiting for Vince and I to join them.

"Oh..." I said slowly as I started to gain my senses and realized what was going on. I looked back down at Vince, who I was still mostly on top of.

He shot me a little chuckle and nodded his head to the side, motioning for me to hop off the couch so he could get up.

"Oh." I said again, this time more clearly understanding and hustling to get up and join the group. I stood beside Heather, who was curled into Tommy. I was slightly embarrassed so I hadn't made any eye contact with Vince, but he'd gotten off the couch and come to stand beside me anyway.

"So we have news about your friend..." The doctor began and I inched closer to Vince to prepare myself.

Heidi's POV - Ch 58

"...He's very weak and a little groggy, but he's woken up and he'll be alright."

Everyone erupted with happiness. Heather jumped up and down, clapping her hands excitedly. Tommy put one hand on Vince's shoulder and one hand on Heather's shoulder, leaning against them and dramatically breathing out a sigh of relief.

"I'm gonna kill that motherfucker," Tommy said jokingly, causing everyone to laugh.

"In a few minutes a nurse should be by to get you guys and you'll be all clear to go in and visit him. Only two visitors at a time though and after you've seen him, we'll need the rest of the day with him to run some tests." The doctor instructed before walking away.

Everyone began buzzing with excitement. I watched as they smiled and laughed, Vince was talking a mile a minute to Tommy and Heather had both of her arms wrapped around Tommy's waist, hugging him.

I couldn't hear what they were saying, I couldn't really focus on anything after I'd heard the words: "he'll be alright"

No one had noticed, but I'd started silently crying, standing a few feet behind everyone else who was celebrating. I reached up to try and wipe the tears away, but it seemed like that only made it worse.

Vince must've heard me sniffle because his head whipped around and his eyebrows were already pinned together in concern. As soon as my eyes met his, I lost all self control and started full on sobbing.

Instantly, Vince was in front of me, with both of his hands gripping my shoulders, trying his best to bend down so that we were eye level.

"Hey.... hey...." He said softly a few times, trying to get me to look at him and stop crying so violently.

Angel (Vince Neil, Tommy Lee, Nikki Sixx fan fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن