Chapter 49: Goodbye

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Heidi's POV

And saw-


Vince... in bed.... w-with someone else?


He sat up in bed abruptly as he heard me open the door. As soon as my brain could comprehend what was going on, I froze in place, not taking another step further into the room.

I saw Vince, shirtless, next to some blonde bitch lying on her stomach still asleep. My jaw was on the floor and it felt like I'd gotten the wind knocked out of me... I couldn't breath, I couldn't talk.

I just knew I had to get the hell out of there.

Without saying anything, or really even reacting at all, I spun around on my heels and beelined for the door. I think I heard Vince calling after me, but I couldn't really hear anything. I felt like I was in a bubble... things were going on around me. There were people walking down the hallway as I darted toward the elevator and I heard noises coming from them and from inside Vince's room... but I felt numb to it all. All I could think about was what I'd just laid eyes on.

Over and over and over.

I'd only seen Vince for maybe five seconds before I ran out, but that five seconds must've been burned into my brain because it was all I could focus on as I slammed my hand against the button for the elevator.

I heard the ding of the elevator from what sounded like miles away... and also my name ringing in the background... I didn't bother to look up, I just got on the elevator and leaned up against the back wall to keep myself steady.

Just before the doors closed, I saw Vince appear on the other side. He looked wild eyed and frantic, desperately trying to stick his hand in between the doors to get them to stop... but they closed anyway. I still couldn't hear anything, but I saw his mouth moving at a thousand words a minute as he got smaller and smaller through the crack of the shutting elevator doors.

I could feel my breathing starting to shallow and I knew that I was gonna break down soon... but I just had to get out of this stupid hotel and this stupid city and away from this stupid fucking idiot of a boy. I wasn't sure if I wanted to sit on the floor and cry or if I wanted to scream and hit something... I was so confused and upset and... and honestly, just shocked.

The elevator jolted forward as it reached the first floor and I started to get off and walk through the lobby. Suddenly, I was snapped back into full attention as I felt someone grabbed my arm and spin me around to face them. As soon as they touched my skin, it was like I'd woken up from whatever shock-induced trance or dream state that I'd been in. Everything went from numb and quiet to loud and fast. I could hear everything, I could see everything... I could feel everything.

"Heidi, please! Let me explain, please, just stop. Talk to me, please." Vince begged as he gripped my shoulders with both of his hands.

I still said nothing, I just pulled at his hands, trying unsuccessfully to free myself and keep walking.

"Heidi, please. Please, please don't leave like this." He begged again, his voice cracking over one of the pleas.

He finally turned me loose after I kept struggling against him. I paused for a second, unsure of what to say or do next... but I still couldn't even process what was going on so I turned back and kept walking out of the doors and on to the street.

"Heidi, wait! I love you, pleas-" He started to say as he followed me out, before something in my brain snapped and I did a full about face, walking toward him menacingly.

"Shut up! Shut the hell up! You don't fucking love me! If you did, you would have never-"

My voice caught in my throat before I could say what he'd actually done. I felt my lip starting to quiver and I knew my little ten second burst of power was over. I was starting to crumble and I didn't want to do it in the middle of the street or in front of Vince.

I looked at him one last time. Admiring the way his blonde hair fell over his shoulders and a freckle he had on his cheek. I looked into his eyes longingly... they were so familiar, I wanted them to comfort me. I'd looked into them with so much love and lust and now they were looking back at me filled with guilt and fear.

"Bye, Vince." I said, turning to get into a cab that had just pulled up.

"Heidi, I'm begging. Don't go." He said calmly, waiting with bated breath as I held the cab door open.

I paused for a second... looking up from the ground and locking eyes with him.

All I wanted to do was give in. Was to pull him into the backseat of the cab with me... or to go back upstairs with him and sort it all out... but as soon as I'd thought it, it hit me. I can't go upstairs with him because there's another girl in his bed.

Just as quickly as I thought I'd given in, I made my mind up.

"Goodbye, Vince." I said again and closed the cab door behind me.

Angel (Vince Neil, Tommy Lee, Nikki Sixx fan fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ