Chapter 50: Don't Go

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Vince's POV

........ Heidi?

She froze in place, not taking another step further into the room. I knew I needed to form words... to explain... but I didn't even know what the hell I'd done. I was realizing what had happened at the same time that she was. And holy shit, what a fuck up I am.

I wasn't really sure how I'd ended up here... I could only remember bits and pieces of the night. As I locked eyes with Heidi, flashbacks from the night before shot through my head and I slowly started to fill in the blanks...

My eyes left Heidi's and darted over to the girl laying next to me. Fuck, there's a girl laying next to me. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

She was laying on her stomach, so all I could see was long blonde hair falling down her bare back. It was the same color as Heid- Heidi.

My eyes flickered back over to hers and when I saw the look on her face, my heart shattered. She looked so... sad? Disgusted? No. Disappointed. She looked completely and utterly disappointed. Hell, I was disappointed in myself.

It felt like we'd been locked in this silent staring contest for hours, but really it'd probably only been a few seconds... and then,  without saying anything, or really even reacting at all, she just spun around and beelined for the door.

"Heidi!" I called out after her. Hopping out of bed and stumbling as my feet tangled in the covers. I made a split decision that I didn't feel like catching a public indecency charge today, so I frantically grabbed a pair of boxers from the floor to slide on before I chased her out of the door.

By the time I'd gotten the boxers on and ran out of the door, she was already getting on to the elevator. I sprinted towards her, hoping to catch the elevator before it closed. I yelled her name as I got closer, watching the elevator doors close. All I needed to do was talk to her. I just need to explain. It was those stupid fucking drugs Tommy had talked me into and I need her to know I would've never done this on purpose.... I'm not quite sure if I was thinking all this, or saying it out loud, but my brain was frantically trying to diffuse the situation and I had no clue how.

I came screeching to a halt in front of the elevator just as it was about to close. I tried to slide my hand through the crack to get it to stop, but it shut anyways... and she was gone.

I stood there for a second, looking at my reflection in the metal doors. I looked so defeated, standing there in just my boxers as a few people glanced on from down the hallway.

I thought about throwing in the towel... about going to my room and using the dry wall as a punching bag or just crawling back in bed- except I can't crawl back into bed, because there's a girl in my bed. A random girl, that's not Heidi and that's why I'm in this fucked up mess. I decided right then that it wasn't over, it can't be.

I darted towards the stairs and started racing down the eight flights to the lobby. By the time I got there, I was struggling to catch my breath but I still only had one thing on my mind.

"Heidi, please! Let me explain, please, just stop. Talk to me, please." I begged as I grabbed her arm and spun her around to face me. She blinked a few times and shook her head, looking up at me confused as if she'd just woken up.

She said nothing, she just pulled at my hands, trying to free herself and keep walking.

"Heidi, please. Please, please don't leave like this." I begged again, clearing my throat as my voice cracked over one of the pleas.

I finally turned her loose after she kept struggling against me and she paused for a second, lingering half way between me and the door. It was like everything stopped... like me and her were the only two people on earth, like I was watching in slow motion, waiting for her to make a decision.

And I swear to God I could feel my heart breaking when I watched her take a step closer towards the door instead of towards me.

"Heidi, wait! I love you, pleas-" I started to say as I followed her out into the street. I stopped speaking abruptly as she did a 180 and started walking towards me menacingly.

"Shut up! Shut the hell up! You don't fucking love me! If you did, you would have never-"

Her voice caught in her throat mid-sentence before she could say what I'd actually done. I saw her lip started to quiver and all I wanted to do was hold her and take the pain away... except I was the one who'd caused the pain...

I wanted to move forward, to be closer to her, to touch her... but I was afraid if I did that she'd just keep retreating further and further away.

She was staring at me with an odd expression on her face... she almost looked happy? I thought I could see the edges of her mouth turning at the corners into a soft smile... but suddenly, her gaze fell from mine as a cab pulled up and she reached for the handle.

"Bye, Vince." She said, turning to get into the cab.

"Heidi, I'm begging. Don't go." I said calmly. My heart pounding as I waited to see if she'd get in or not.

She paused for a second... looking up from the ground and locking eyes with me. A wave of relief washed over me... this is it. This is where she shuts the door and she runs into my arms and we work it all out. This is-

"Goodbye, Vince." She said again, getting into the cab and closing the door behind her.

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