Chapter 19: You and Me

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"About Mr. Neil..." The doctor started, and my heart sank.

"He's going to be okay, he's in the recovery unit waking up. We can send one person at a time to go see h-" He explained and I immediately pushed passed everyone.

"Heidi. Go." I heard Tommy say, but I was already in motion walking toward the doctor. Everything still felt like a dream, my heart was still racing and I was shaking so bad that I had to grip my hands together to keep them still. I felt like I was walking in slow motion as I followed the doctor through the winding hallways.

He stopped short of a room and opened the door slowly. As he moved out of the way and I finally laid eyes on Vince, all of my emotions came rushing to the surface and I sprinted passed the doctors and nurses to be by his side. He was still asleep, but at least he was alive. I could see him, I could touch him, I could feel him.

I grabbed his hand and collapsed into the chair beside the bed. I laid my head on top of our hands and began sobbing hysterically. Just then, Vince began shifting around and I lifted my head up to look at him.

His hair was messy and he had a split lip and cut on his cheek. The doctors said most of the damage from the wreck was internal, so it was hard to tell from looking at him that he was really hurting... until he groaned, his face contorting into a wince before slowly opening his eyes. When they met mine, his wince turned into a soft smile and he groggily muttered my name.

I burst into tears again, putting my head back down onto the bed to cover my eyes. Ten minutes ago I didn't know if I'd ever hear him say my name again, if I'd ever hear him say anything again.

"Babe..." Vince whispered, struggling to sit up and letting out sighs of pain in the process.

"It's okay. I'm okay, I promise..." he said softly. I tried to collect myself and sat back up to look at him.

"Vince, I- I was so scared." I said, breaking out into tears again. I probably looked like a blubbering idiot, but I had no clue how terrified I was to lose Vince until this very moment.

"Hey, it's okay." He said smiling again, grabbing my chin in between his thumb and forefinger.

"It's you and me, right? I'm not going anywhere." He said, letting out a little chuckle but then coughing a few times after, cringing each time he moved.

"Alright you two, I need to check him out, run a few tests that sort of thing. I'll call you back in later," said a stern sounding nurse that'd been watching our entire exchange.

I furrowed my brows and looked away from her and back to Vince. The last thing I wanted to do was let go of him and walk out of the door and judging by the look on his face, he felt the same.

"I'm so glad you're okay... I love you." I said squeezing his hand tighter before letting it go and standing up to walk out.

"Hey where do you think you're going? Come here." He said with a smirk, sticking out his finger and motioning for me to come back.

I let a smile creep across my face before I waltzed back over to him and leaned over the bed. He slid his hand behind my head and I closed my eyes and leaned into him. Our foreheads touched and we stayed there for a few seconds before he closed the distance between us and we locked lips.

"Alright, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." Said the nurse again, this time more definite than the last.

Vince and I kissed a few more times, before I finally pulled away. Lingering my face in front of his before standing back up and turning around towards the door.

"I love you too Heid." He said quietly, just as I was walking out of the door.

When I got back into the waiting room everyone shot up out of their seats and bombarded me with questions. How's he doing, what's he look like, is he awake, does he know what's going on.... in the midst of all of the madness I couldn't tell any questions or voices apart. Until I heard a very faint murmur that stood out from all the rest.

"... does he hate me?" A voice across the room said quietly, not even trying to compete with the other voices all standing in front of me. I peered over Heather's shoulder and saw Nikki, still sitting against the wall staring at the ground.

"One second..." I muttered to everyone else before walking over to Nikki.

"Nik I- I owe you an apology." I said bending down to be eye level with him. He slowly raised his eyes from the ground, up to mine and I could tell he'd been crying.

"I overreacted earlier. I know all of you guys drink and drive when you shouldn't and you didn't deserve what I said to you..." I said trailing off, thinking about how awful I'd been when I wasn't sure what would happen to Vince.

"So he's okay?" Nikki said blankly, not really responding to my apology whatsoever.

"Yeah, he's gonna be fine." I said with a slight smile, placing my hand on Nikki's shoulder, trying to encourage him to get up and join the group.

He did get up, and very abruptly, swatting my hand off his shoulder and walking straight toward the hospital exit. I stared at him with an open mouth as he walked away. Just before he walked out of the door he shouted, "it should've been me..." over his shoulder.

I blinked in shock a few times before turning back to the rest of the gang.

"He'll be okay, he's just beating himself up. Give him some space." Tommy reassured me as we all sat back down. After twenty minutes or so, the mean nurse from earlier came back out to the waiting room.

"He's ready for another visitor now, still one at a time-" she started, but I cut her off.

"Tommy, you should go. I can wait." I said.

"Actually if you would've let me finish..." the nurse started rudely. "He said he wants you with him..." she said and pointed to me.

"He said Tommy would understand? Whichever one of you that is." She said with an uninterested tone.

Tommy looked over at me and motioned for me to follow the nurse. He grabbed Heather's hand and looked into her eyes, smiling.

"Yeah, I do understand." He said, not breaking away his gaze from Heather's.

A/N: kind of a short chapter, I know! But I don't know when I'll be able to upload again (I've got a big test on Friday) so I didn't wanna leave you guys hanging on such a dramatic note hahaha

The next chapter will be longer!! Thanks for reading :)

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