Chapter 104: Back for Good

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~ One year later ~

Heidi's POV

I got of the car and took a deep breath, looking up at Vince's apartment building and automatically feeling anxious before I'd even stepped foot inside. I'd landed in LAX thirty minutes ago and the first place I thought to come was here.... even though I hadn't seen him in so long.

I didn't know if he'd be happy to see me or pissed off with me or what... but I just... I had to see him. I'd spent the past year running away from my problems and trying to feel like myself again. Then a few days ago, something just clicked and I realized that everything I cared about was here in LA and that running around scared wasn't fixing anything.

The police had told me that they had the guy who kidnapped me's picture posted at every airport, bus stop and border patrol station in America. They said he wouldn't be able to get out of the country and that they'd find him in no time.... So two weeks later, when they had absolutely no leads and I got a job offer with Saint Laurent in Paris... I took it.

I'd spent the past year in Europe and I hadn't talked to anyone...

I'd called Heather a few times, just so she'd know I was alive and well... but Vince... I hadn't spoken to him since the day I left.

And here I was, standing outside his apartment door a year later. Right back where I started.

I had no clue what I wanted from him or from us. I mean, I guess I wanted to start things over. To just have a blank slate and start from scratch. Me and him against the world, like it always had been.

I'd realized after a year on my own what was important to me and what I'd wanted to do with my life.

...I just hoped I hadn't realized it too late...

I reached my hand up to knock on his door and just before I did, I paused, listening to the noises I could hear coming from the other side.

I couldn't make out what he was saying, but I could hear the deepness of his voice echo through the wall, followed by his laugh... I didn't know just how much I missed hearing it until right now.

And then-

"Vince!!" I heard a girl's voice yell, laughing and giggling through the door.

My breath caught in my throat and I had to grab ahold to the doorframe to keep myself steady.

I hadn't heard his voice in a year... and now I was hearing him... with... with someone else.

I mean, what did I expect? Did I really think he'd just wait around for me until I decided to come back? After what I did to him?

I felt so stupid for ever even thinking it could work out. Vince and I were over for good this time, there wasn't anything that could change that... and I did it all to myself....

Tears welled up in my eyes and I spun around, storming away from the door before I could hear anything else.

I called a cab and went the only other place in LA that I knew I could go:

Heather's house.

When I'd knocked on the door and she swung it open, she stood in front of me totally speechless... for what I thought must be the first time in her life. Until she let out a huge scream and jumped forward, engulfing me into a hug.

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