Chapter 113: With Me

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Vince's POV

My eyes fluttered open and memories from the night before immediately flooded back into my brain. I rolled over, still half asleep, and reached for Heidi-


I popped one eye open before sitting up in bed curiously.

...What the fuck?

She wasn't there? Did she leave? Did something happen...

My heart started to pound and I could feel myself getting anxious at not knowing where she was. I sprung out of bed and started to get dressed, grabbing my boxers from the floor. Just as I did, I heard a noise coming from my kitchen... it sounded like pans clinging together.

I quickly opened the bedroom door and let out a sigh of relief when I laid eyes on her. All she had on was the white button up that I'd worn last night, it was way too big for her so it hung down over her thighs.

She was cooking something, her back to me as she dug through my cabinets. She hadn't seen me yet, so I leaned up against the doorframe and admired how good she looked. Hell, she somehow looked even better this morning, in just my shirt and messy hair, than she did last night all done up in that little sparkly minidress she'd had on... that was crumpled up on my floor right now.

I kept watching her, enjoying the fact that she didn't know I was up yet. I just couldn't fucking believe this was real. Heidi was in my kitchen, she'd slept in my bed and woken up in my apartment. Just last night she'd seemed so far away and now here she was, right back in my arms.

I thought about everything we'd said last night. I wasn't at upset with her at all anymore. I understood exactly where she was coming from... I had become obsessively protective over her right before she left. It wasn't good for either of us... but I didn't have to worry about any of that now. She's perfectly safe here...

So why did I panic when I woke up and she wasn't next to me?

I pushed the idea out of my head and started to walk over to where she was standing. I wrapped my arms around her waist, hugging her from behind and resting my chin over her shoulder.

She was so focused on whatever she was making, that she hadn't heard me walk up. She jumped a little before turning her head to see that it was me.

"Jesus! You scared me." She giggled, wrapping her hands around my arms and leaning her head into mine.

I made a mental note to be more careful. She was probably on edge these days and I didn't wanna do anything to add to it.

"I'm sorry," I said before leaning around to give her a kiss.

"Good morning." I mumbled, still close to her face as I pulled away already wanting more.

"Pancakes!" She said excitedly, motioning to the bowl in her hand that she'd been stirring.

"Hmm... sounds good." I said, completely uninterested in the food. I hadn't even looked at the bowl, my gaze had drifted down to her body and my hands slide from her waist down to her hips.

"Vinceeee..." She scolded, still keeping her back toward me.

I let one of my hands fall underneath my shirt that she had on and started to play with the lace that lined her underwear.

"Vince, the pancakes!" She giggled, swatting my hand away playfully. I was gonna give up, but then she looked over her shoulder and shot me a little mischievous smirk.

"Fuck the pancakes!" I said laughing, before I pulled down the collar of her shirt and started to kiss her bare shoulder, slowly kissing up her collarbone and neck before she finally turned around to face me.

Angel (Vince Neil, Tommy Lee, Nikki Sixx fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now