Just a Little Info

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Being an Aspie is something that almost everyone silently deals with, whether they know it or not.

Let's be real, I'm pretty sure some of you may or may not know about this syndrome that lived inside of you for so long that you failed to discover that part of yourself-therefore having the struggle to understand yourself better and always under this pressure of being called "weird".

As for me, I never knew this part of myself until I was fourteen when I was too curious and went through my files my parents kept in their drawers to learn more about myself-only to uncover a specific letter to my Headmaster of my old school containing the very part of myself I didn't understand at first: I have Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a part of Asperger's Syndrome. [I'm not sure about this part, so feel free to correct me]

Reading that letter, I was able to make things sense about my younger but unusual self. But at the same time, I didn't fully understand the full concept, which is why I didn't bother much after that and just took it as I-have-Asperger-so-what and moved on as usual.

However, it became a rollercoaster for me when I turned seventeen. At the time of applying for my University course, a doctor's letter is required to ensure that if anything happens, I will have an adequate amount of help needed in times of my struggle on campus.

But oh my gosh, that's when I was truly messed up.

Heck, did you know I cried when I first failed my driving test? How was I that of a snowflake?!

The good news is, I grew out of ASD as I aged older, but my Asperger-part remains forever.

Anyways, I eventually learned how to cope with it and fully accept the fact that I am indeed an Aspie for the rest of my life. It's a part of me, and I can't do anything to remove it. It turned into a core personality trait of mine.

Being an Aspie has its blessings, as well as curses that I wish I don't have at all.

I want to document these things down here to show that I'm not alone in this journey of learning about myself as an Aspie and show that you're not the only one who struggles to learn oneself with the traits of an Aspie.

If you're an Aspie and reading this: WELCOME! I would love to hear your thoughts and struggles, and probably relate to each other about it :)

If you're not an Aspie but knows someone who has it: Well, don't worry I'm not going to chase you out. Anyone is welcome here. I'm pretty sure you just in need of something or someone to refer to on helping to understand about Aspies.

Remember that discovering oneself Aspie-self takes a lot of time and patience to understand and accept it as part of you. I, myself, is still learning and thriving with my Aspie-self as well!


Note: Please remember that I'm not an expert or a professional in Asperger's Syndrome. I'm here to relate and jot down my journey of being a teenage Aspie. I'm in need to relate of being one right?


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