xxvi. wild beauty, wild magic

Start from the beginning

Elijah smiles, shaking his head. "This one is family, Madame. But, we've come to ask for a favor." Elijah jumps right in, explaining that Eva Sinclair had officially taken control of Rebekah's body.

"Then, you need to let the witches put that body down." Josephine tells them. "Eva will use up your sister, just like she did the others."

"The others?" Cullen exclaims.

"Eva was a wild beauty practicing a wild magic. But, she and Vincent were so happy, we let them be." Josephine explains.

Elijah sighs, knowing more of the story than Cullen does. "And then the children began to disappear."

"Vincent Griffith, Eva's husband was the one to catch her in the act. She begged him to let her continue. She asked him to let her take just three more."

"Why three?" Cullen leans forward in her seat.

"To complete the Rite of Nines." Josephine states.

"The Rite of Nines?" Elijah retorts.

"Eva thought if she sacrificed a witch from each of the nine covens, it would create a new witch order in New Orleans. She would have been more powerful than any Elder-- Any Harvest girl." Josephine continues.

"Why kids though?" Cullen questions.

"Because their magic is untapped. It's pure. And, they're a hell of a lot easier to subdue." Josephine arches an eyebrow.

Cullen leans back in her seat, understanding now why Rebekah had gone after Hope. "That's why she went after my baby."

"She would have killed your daughter." Josephine stresses. "Channeled her powers, as she did with those other poor children. We agree she must be stopped-- no more of our youth will die. That is why, Mr. Mikaelson, I will not extend your twenty-four hours. Eva Sinclair now has a bounty on her head."

Outraged, Elijah stands from his seat. "You would condemn my sister to her death?"

"I dislike the term 'collateral damage,' but there it is. If one or two must fall to take Eva down for good? So be it." Josephine shrugs.

"I assure you, Madame LaRue, we will defend your witches with a fearsome vengeance." Elijah tries to change Josephine's mind.

"You have a wonderful way with words. Really. Your cadence is pleasant. Normally, I could listen to it all day long, but I grow tired of this. My mind remains unchanged." Josephine states.

"We came here to honor the alliance between us. If this is something you wish to rescind, so be it." Elijah turns to leave, beckoning Cullen to follow him.

"Don't you dare walk into my house and threaten me." Josephine snaps, stopping Elijah. "I am not the one that needs you, Elijah Mikaelson-- it is you who needs us. Or, you will soon enough." Before Elijah and Cullen can turn to leave, Josephine walks forward, grabbing ahold of Cullen's hands. Cullen tries to pull away, but Josephine tightens her grip. "There's a storm coming, child. Your darkest demons ride upon it. I do not know its name, but when I peer into your future, there is a blackness that should terrify you."


After their visit with Josephine, Elijah and Cullen went home, waiting to hear any news about Eva's whereabouts. After a couple hours Elijah received a message from Marcel, notifying him where Eva was. With a quick call to Hayley asking her to watch Hope, Elijah and Cullen took off.

"Cullen, go to the warehouse." Elijah begins as they make their way to the courtyard. "I will meet you there." Cullen nods, following his instructions as she speeds out of the compound and to the warehouse where Eva was keeping the lost kids.

Cullen was the fourth person to reach the warehouse, the first three being Marcel, Eva, and Vincent. Entering not to far behind her are Freya and Elijah. "Perfect." Freya exclaims. "Cullen can help with the spell." Cullen nods, not exactly knowing what spell they would be doing, but if it could save Rebekah she would help. "Lay her inside the salt, and lie on either side of her. Each of you take her hand." Freya turns to Elijah. "Cullen and I will act as a bridge into her mind, but I'm trusting you to anchor us, brother."

"Do what you need to do." Elijah mutters.

"Rebekah is buried deep. Eva will not give her up without a fight." Freya exclaims.

"Then she gets a fight." Marcel states, laying down next to Eva's unconscious body.

"Be careful. You're entering Eva's mind. If she kills you in there, you will be lost. And, if you kill her before you free Rebekah, then Rebekah will be gone forever. Once you have Rebekah, then, and only then, can Eva be dealt with." Freya explains.

"We got it." Vincent nods. Once all three of them are laying in the circle of salt Cullen moves towards Elijah, taking ahold of his and Freya's hands.

"Cullen, follow my lead." Freya tells her.

Cullen nods, listening to Freya chant the first line before joining in. "Pontem praesidio. Anchora immortalibus. Pontem praesidio. Anchora immortalibus." Almost instantly both women are thrown back, the spell being strong. Elijah lunges forward, holding onto them tightly as they continue chanting. As the spell goes on it only gets harder to hold.

"I'm losing them." Freya yells over the wind that has begun to blow through the warehouse.

"Freya." Cullen raises her voice, nervous she wouldn't be able to hang on much longer.

"Keep going." Freya tells her. Cullen nods quickly, pushing more of her power into the spell as they continue. Her eyes suddenly shoot open when she feels a surge of power go through her; Klaus had joined them, placing his hand into Cullen's.

"We're not finished, you and I." Klaus narrows his eyes at Freya. "But for right now, save my sister." Once Freya nods she looks towards Cullen, the witches continuing the spell with even more power. It becomes so much that the building around them begins shaking, the already harsh wind picking up.

The four of them are thrown back suddenly, the spell breaking. Glancing towards the circle they watch as Marcel and Vincent wake up, but not Rebekah. "Did it work?" Klaus questions, raising his voice at Freya when nothing happens. "Why isn't she waking?"

Before Freya can respond, Rebekah shoots up. They all stand back a bit, waiting to see if it was Eva or Rebekah. Their question is answered when Rebekah glances around in confusion. "Bloody hell."

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