Lisa shook her head vigorously blocking his words from entering her brain. 

"I am not a gold-digger you dickhead! I don't care how much illegal money you have, I will never sign these papers!" Lisa spat those words harshly at him only to earn a chuckle.

"Woah, wild cat, eh! Now stop this nonsense and sign this pap-" Jungkook stopped midsentence when Lisa spat right at his face while talking. 

She knew it's gonna lead somewhere else but she didn't care. She didn't ha any regrets and she knew he deserved it. 

Jungkook's gaze turned darker than ever. The aura changed drastically sending shivers down her spine. Jungkook's eyes were sealed shut, his breathing becoming heavy, veins popping out of the skin. 

Jungkook opened his eyes all of a sudden piercing his gaze into her soul which made her flinch. She felt the menace just by looking at his pitch dark obs piercing her soul. 

Before she could comprehend what was going on fully she was already on the floor rubbing her bruised elbow. 

Jungkook threw her harshly on the floor making her forehead slightly hit the sharp corner of the coffee table. Lisa hissed in pain cupping her bleeding forehead. Jungkook stood up and walked towards her making her crawl back until her back hit the wall. 

Jungkook crouched down and grabbed a fistful of her hair bringing her face close to his. Lisa felt like her scalp throbbing in pain due to the tight grip on her hair. 

"You bitch..." Jungkook mumbled following with a low chuckle. 

"YOU BITCH!" Jungkook yelled slapping her so hard across the face. Lisa tasted something metallic in her mouth and that's when she knew it was blood. Blood was drooling from the side of her mouth. 

He grabbed her by her neck to face him. His grip tightened each time she tried to escape from his tight grip. He started choking her hard. Lisa felt her throat and her lungs burning. She finds it difficult to breathe. She started gasping for air but due to his tight grip air wasn't going in her lungs. She punched his chest using her small fist but nothing made him stopped. 

Lisa felt like this was the end for her. Slowly she started seeing black dots. She knew she was gonna die so she let him be. Did she want to die anyway right? But deep inside she hated herself for giving up just like that.

She wanted to find justice for all the woman out there and make men understand to not mess with women but guess she failed.

Jungkook scoffed understanding her sudden giving up action. He loosened his grip and stood up placing his hands in his pocket. He was watching her coughing violently gasping for oxygen. 

Once she felt like breathing again she screamed in pain when she felt her ankle tearing apart. 

Jungkook was stepping on her bruised ankle to make her feel the pain. He liked seeing her crying and begging him to stop. It made him feel powerful. He applied more pressure on it when Lisa tried to pull her leg. 

He took out his cigar and lit it up. He placed it in between his lips and sucked a bunch of smoke blowing them out after right at her face making her cough. He looked at the lit cigar and back at Lisa. 

Lisa stared at him in horror getting the idea of what he was about to do. He seems to understand that she got the idea and he started moving the cigar slowly towards her bruised ankle. 

Lisa shut her eyes close her lips in a thin line preparing herself for the burning pain but seems like luck was on her side when there was a slight knock on the door.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐎𝐁𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 {Idol & Mafia Au!}Where stories live. Discover now