Fleetway's Past Final

Start from the beginning

"How may I help you, Guardians?" the old woman asked "we were informed that you have taken in two of our fugitives" one of them spoke "I can assure you, if I was housing two Guardians in my little inn this town would be bussing to get a glimpse of them like they are now," she said truthfully.

"They aren't Guardians, we are looking for two hedgehogs" the one she assumed was in charge spoke.

"Well I haven't housed any hedgehogs in years besides myself and my grandchild, honestly for how rare it is to come across such beings since the war is a high honor" she explained "may we search the area just to be certain?" the Guardian asked as she nodded allowing them to search the area as requested.


"We should be far enough, please take care Lucian and Fleetway," Molly said hugging us as she left hurrying back to the inn "where to now?" I asked as we looked at the little town below "I know a place it's a three-day journey, but it'll be a good spot not to be discovered" he explained taking my hand as we started walking.


Three months later-

No pov-

Fleetway and Lucian had been staying in a secret cottage high in the mountains where they wouldn't be discovered, "Lucian lunch is ready" Fleetway called.

They had become eternal mates bonded to each other the night they arrived at the cottage wanting to show their true love for each other "I'm here, it's snowing outside I think we might have to gather more wood. I just finished feeding the fire the last two logs" he explained as he sat at the table.

"We'll get it done after lunch before the snow gets thicker," Fleetway said as he put down their plates to start eating.

"I didn't know snow could get an erection haha" Lucian joked "you are such a naughty hog" he replied with a smirk "only for you love" he smiled back as they continued to eat before heading out to get more wood for the fire.

Ten minutes later, they headed back to the cottage with the wood making sure they got off all the snow "Lucian!" Fleetway called as they entered "yes love?" He asked, "have you ever thought about starting a family of our own?" He asked with nervousness in his voice.

"Sometimes, why?" Lucian raised a brow curious about what his mate was thinking "do you... Uh, I thought... would you want t-t-to try" Fleetway stuttered as he blushed a deep red.

"Are you sure love, that's a pretty big step?" He asked wanting to confirm what Fleetway was asking "if it's with you, I'm always sure," he said making eye contact "well... Let's get started" and before he had time to react Lucian carried him bride style to their bedroom.

But little did they know that following day would change their lives.

Sense change-

"Grand Elder, we haven't found them for three months, and Fleetway hasn't done anything to make us believe he is a fugitive," one of the Guardians said everyone was tired of searching and started questioning if Thorin was fit to be the leader of their people "ever since you became Grand Elder our people have been suffering" an Elder commented causing an uproar of agreements.

"You dare challenge me, that boy is a fugitive for disobeying my orders" Thorin spoke with anger in his voice "and what orders is that fray tell, because as far as we Elders are concerned your father has declared Fleetway free to make his own decisions" one of the other Elders spoke stepping in.

"You have always feared that boy since he was a pup, but he has brought prosperity and honor to our people regardless of his true heritage he has proven to be more of a Guardian then any of us on this island" the female Guardian continued to speak.

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