XLII: don't wanna leave

Start from the beginning

"And we're going to miss you so much more, little tiger," Papa replies as mama agrees, "But mama and I can come up and visit you in the summer! and maybe even come up for your birthday! You'll be seeing us a lot, my girl. We promise." 

"Do you really?" Chunhei asks, looking between her mama and papa. 

"We promise." 

"Now, it's about to be 10," Mama brings up, looking down at her watch, "You three should start loading up and getting ready to leave. We don't want halmeoni, harabeoji and uncle to wait for too long!" 

"And Holly!" Yoongi adds, earning a surprised gasp from Chunhei. 

"You're right!" Chunhei gasps, "Papa, we gotta get going so I can see Holly and halmeoni and harabeoji and uncle Jae!!" 

"You do, little one!" Papa laughs, setting her down, "Let's start loading up the car shall we?" 

10 minutes later

"Do you guys have everything?" Mama asks as papa closes the trunk of Yoongi's car.

"Yes! It looks like we're all set," Yoongi reassures, strapping Chunhei into her car seat, "Thank you again for welcoming Chunhei and I into your home, mama and papa. We've had so much fun."

"Of course, Yoongi," Papa answers, putting a hand on Yoongi's shoulder, "And thank you for being such a great boyfriend to our YN. We never thought she'd find a boyfriend, but look at her now!" 

"Papa!" I whine, blushing. 

Yoongi intertwines our hands as he lets out a laugh, "It's not a problem honestly. I love her with all my heart and she loves me and my daughter with just as much love, maybe even more. That's all I could ask for. Thank you for raising such a loving and caring girl. She's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me." 

"Besides Chunhei," I point out, hiding my blushing red face on his shoulder.

"Besides Chunhei," Yoongi agrees, leaning down to place a peck on my forehead. 

"You two are too cute," Mama gushes, "Thank you for looking after our YN, Yoongi! Now, it's just turned 10. You guys should head out." 

We give our final hugs and goodbyes to mama and papa. Yoongi and I get into the driver and passenger seat as mama and papa shower Chunhei in hugs and kisses. We quickly strap in and pull out of the driveway, waving goodbye to my parents. 

"We'll see you guys soon!" I call out, waving. 

"Call us often please! We miss you three already!" Mama and papa call out as we drive away and make the hour trip to Daegu. 

"Nervous?" Yoongi asks as we get onto the highway. 

He reaches his right hand over and intertwines it with my left. 

"Just a little," I admit, stroking his knuckles with my right hand, "I know you said they were excited to meet me but I'm still quite nervous." 

"You'll be okay, jagiya," Yoongi reassures, giving my hand a squeeze, "Now sit back and relax. Maybe you should take a nap to calm your nerves." 

I agree and quickly settle into the seat. Before I drift off, I take one look at the backseat where Chunhei had also fallen asleep. I laugh and turn back around, kissing Yoongi's knuckles before finally letting myself fall into a soft sleep. 

a/n: it feels so great to be updating again! I hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter and this chapter!! I admit, I'm a bit rusty but I hope it isn't too bad

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a/n: it feels so great to be updating again! I hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter and this chapter!! I admit, I'm a bit rusty but I hope it isn't too bad. I'll probably get back into it after a few more chapters. 

also, just a side note! during quarantine, I've also made a yt channel! idk if I ever told you guys, but if you'd like to watch and maybe even subscribe to my channel, here's the link to my channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChGAdnhLdXkQM3jKTi0u7DQ/videos?view_as=public you definitely don't have to watch or subscribe but theres the link if y'all want something to watch! 

hope you all are doing well and staying healthy! I'll see you all in the next chapter :) 

ig: agusvt.meek 

QOTD: have you gotten into any new Kpop bands recently?

my answer: yes! about a month ago, I started listening to Seventeen! I absolutely fell in love with them and they've become my 2nd ult group! 

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