Ch. 27 - Soul Searching

Start from the beginning

The demon's eyes went wide, and he quickly realized he was laying on top of the human. A 300-pound demon on top of a twig of a human wasn't exactly safe.

Zekaj rolled off him and laid next to him.

"Are you calling me fat?" Zekaj asked.  The tears had quickly dried and it was quickly forgotten.

Hunter softly chuckled, "Well," Hunter started.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" Zekaj yelled.  "This," Zekaj gestured to himself, "Is all muscle."

It was true, Hunter was certain Zekaj had little to no fat on his body. Just hard muscle.

"Guess we can throw out the idea of you turning me into a vessel completely out the window now," Hunter laughed.

"It was stupid of you to think that in the first place," Zekaj grumbled. "You're stuck with me Hunter Voidborne."

"Voidborne?" Hunter turned to Zekaj; the two soulmates were still laying on the hard wooden floor of the private room.

"I told you you're taking my last name," Zekaj said.

"I didn't think you meant right now Zekaj," Hunter wiped his face again, it was still a bit sweaty.

"Well, why can't we start right now?" Zekaj pouted.

"We aren't even mated let alone married!" Hunter laughed, cuddling up to the demon. Hunter rested his head on his favorite pillow, aka Zekaj's pecs.

"God don't remind me of hell weddings," Zekaj said.

"What's so bad about them?" Hunter asked, he needed to know since it was his future after all.

"Ugh, just they're a lot. Let's leave it at that." Zekaj said before continuing. "Can we go home; we've been here long enough."

"It's been an hour,"

"An hour was too long to begin with," Zekaj mumbled, picking up the books, even the one that had fallen on the floor.

Zekaj grabbed Hunter's hand and smiled as his body was smothered with shadow and he was absorbed into Hunter. The soulmate pair made their way out of the library but quickly stopped at an empty desk with a self-checkout for books. It was the only one in the library, specifically the private section of the library.

Hunter scanned each before coming to the mysterious silver bound, deep violet leather book. There was no way to scan it.

Why is it locked?  Zekaj asked.

I don't know, it was like that when I found it.

Bring it home, I wanna break it open.  Zekaj demanded mischievously. 

I can't just steal it.

Your dad runs this institute, might as well get some use out of it for once.

I'm sure Hannah does.  The demon snided.

Hunter stuck the book on the bottom of the stack and quickly made his way out.

The walk to his car would be a while, he hoped to go unnoticed till he got to the parking lot.

After a while, the car was in the distance and Hunter could feel his demon's itch to be free grow. Hunter put the books on the roof of the car and quickly unlocked it. He grabbed the whole stack and sat them in the back seat.

Hunter was just about to hop into the front when he heard his name being called.

"Hunter!" Hunter's head darted up with one foot inside the car. He made eye contact with the man who called his name and realized it was his father.

The Fuck? The demon said in his head.

"What are you doing here?" His dad asked.

Hunter stood there frozen, confused at the fact that his dad was talking to him.

They barely ever talked with each other when they were in the same room, this was not normal.

"I uh, just wanted some books from the library," Hunter said.

The car separated the two mages from one another. Hunter's dad was on one side of the car and Hunter on the other.

"If I had known I would've given you a ride," Jaxon said.

"It's uh, fine. I just needed a couple and didn't want to stay long." Hunter said, coming up with excuses.

"Oh, well," Jaxon said, the conversation had hit an awkward turn. The two didn't know how to talk to each other anymore. "I promised we would spend time together, we could've today if I had kno- "

"I said it was fine dad, I don't care anymore." Hunter interrupted. He had more important things to worry about and someone who made everything better already.

"Alright well, I'll see you at home then," Jaxon said.

"See ya dad," Hunter said awkwardly.

Jaxon left in silence and Hunter got into his car, quickly putting it into drive and pulling out of the institute.

The leaves had started to change to their fall colors as the car drove down the road with a forest on each side. The winding road was just a blur to Hunter as he continued driving along it. Occasionally taking his eyes off the road to stare at the pretty colors of the forest.

The human had failed to notice the demon had left his body until one of his hands was taken off the steering wheel and gripped tightly. The two soulmates sat in a comfortable silence as Hunter drove them home.

It took around an hour for them to get home and as Hunter made his way into his room, dropping his books onto the table, Zekaj left his body.

The large void demon flopped onto Hunter's bed, sitting up to pull off his tank top. Zekaj motioned for Hunter to come close. The human got within arm's reach and was pulled onto the demon for cuddles.

Zekaj tugged at Hunter's pants and Hunter complied and pulled them down, rolling his eyes, but smiling at the demon. Zekaj returned the smile and pulled his own down.

"Shirt?" Zekaj gave his best puppy dog eyes.

"As long as you don't get obnoxious," Hunter mumbled snuggling into Zekaj after pulling off his shirt.

"I can't make that promise," Zekaj chuckled, closing his eyes.

Hunter pulled up the blankets covering the two and the soulmates soon were overtaken by sleep.


The formatting for this chapter got all messed up and I believe I have fixed it all.

First off, I just want to welcome all the new readers who have started reading this past week!  HTTAD randomly jumped to #3 on the LGBTQ ranking list and it's been wild since.  We just hit #1 on boyxboy too which is amazing!

If you want you can follow me on Twitter @14Mek.  I'm constantly tweeting about the story and theres a lot of jokes you can find by scrolling through my page.  Make sure to drop a follow.

Also I do lurk around on the Literary Lounge discord.  I can't find a link atm cause I'm dead tired but you might see me occasionally if I ever talk.  (No I don't have a chat room lmao.) 

Second, this chapter was a lot shorter but were starting to pick up even more speed as Hunter and Zekaj get closer and closer to their second date and their eventual mating.

I've been thinking about the day they mate for the longest time, I just want it to be perfect.  It's a very special moment for the two and I can't wait <3

N e way, Question:

Will Hunter ever be able to reconcile with his father?  Why or why not?

Thanks for reading, <3


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