Ch. 16 - Cowardly Actions

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8 Hours till Hunter turns 18 - 5 Hours till his Birthday

Hunter and Zekaj were sitting at the meeting ground of all the covens in the area. His mother, father, and sister's place of work.

It was a brick building university looking building in the middle of the forest. Each coven leader had their own office and everything. Hunter was currently in the common area, which was a big outdoor area in the middle of the complex. 

Many mages of various covens were walking about and Hunter just sat on the bench waiting for his family to be finished with whatever they were doing, Hunter didn't care. It was 7 pm, his parents said they would leave 30 minutes ago.

His birthday was in 5 hours, and his exact birth time was in eight. At 3:43 exactly Hunter would be able to find his soulmate. 3:43 was Hunter's exact time of birth and Hunter was ready. His alarm was set and everything for at 3:43 he was going to touch Zekaj.

Hunter had to touch Zekaj to see if they were soulmates. Both parties needed to be eighteen and then skin to skin contact was all it took to feel the bond. Something as simple as touching fingertips was all that was needed. At that moment they would feel the warmth of love fill their body. Mages and Demons both needed skin to skin touch.

If a wolf was mated to a mage, they would be able to smell the bond first before touch was needed. The mage wouldn't feel it till the touch though.

It wasn't the same for every paranormal being. Werewolves could sense them by smell and vampires apparently just needed to make eye contact. Hunter wasn't sure about vampires since they were all dead.

"Have you met a vampire?"  Hunter asked Zekaj.

"It's been a while, you can't detect them easily so they have to tell or show you. It'd be hard to find one now since the wolves and hunters killed them all."  Zekaj replied.

Vampires were incredibly strong creatures, with an incredibly deadly weakness. A simple wooden stake blessed with holy water was a death sentence to a vampire. So when both the wolves and hunters decided to eliminate them once and for all they went extinct.


"The wolves betrayed the vampires. They had a treaty for the longest time, I mean they never liked each other but they were friendly, I guess." Zekaj added.


"Yeah." Zekaj finished for him. "I think many are in hiding. Not all of them could've been killed, right?

"I don't know."  Hunter answered truthfully. "I don't think any covens have ever been contacted by any. If any did they probably kept it secret."

"Yeah." Zekaj repeated himself.

The two fell into a comfortable silence as they continued to wait for his parents. It was another five minutes when Hunter received a call.

"Hello?" He answered his dad's phone call.

"Hunter," His father started. "Initiation papers for Hannah are taking longer than planned. If you want you can just come up and grab my car keys and head home. We're going to stay in the B&B in town for the night, your mother, sister, and I. Come up here and we can continue this call."

"Uh, ok. I'll be up in a second. Goo-" Hunter was cut off as his father hung up the phone.

"Ass." Zekaj said.

"He's still my dad can you not-"  Hunter was cut off again.

"Just being honest. Sorry."

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