Ch. 37 - Bad Feelings

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[Mature Content]

The institute was boring as fuck. At least to Hunter and Zekaj it was.

There was only so much you could do when you were there as a lot of the rooms were being used to study potions, magic, and everything in between. Hunter and his mate were stuck wandering around the institute waiting for his dad to call him down.

They were prepping a ritual that Hunter had no idea what for and he honestly didn't care. He didn't care about a single thing his coven or this institute was doing. He just wanted to go home and spend time with Zekaj.

Only two and a half more months and he could leave all of this behind and go explore the world with Zekaj. And maybe one day he'd be able to meet Zekaj's parents but sadly there was no way for him to make it to hell.

"Hawaii first right?"

"Somewhere with a beach," Zekaj said.

"I'm fine with that as long as you aren't obnoxious again,"

"You enjoyed it, don't even lie,"  Hunter smiled and rolled his eyes as he took a seat on a bench outside. He wouldn't deny that Zekaj looked nice without a shirt on. Just the speedo slightly traumatized him.

"Where do you wanna go after?"  Hunter asked.

"Where do you want to go? I picked first, so you're next."  Zekaj replied.

Hunter thought about it for a bit. There were many options to choose from.

"Maybe somewhere cold? The opposite of the beach. Like a nice cabin in the woods with snow and we can cuddle by the fireplace. Maybe go snowboarding or something."

"Sounds like fun,"  Zekaj said.

"Maybe we could go ice skating,"  Hunter thought.

"No,"  Zekaj stated. He was still wished death to roller skating.

"We can be bad at ice skating together!"  Hunter laughed at Zekaj.

"Perhaps,"  Zekaj said.  "It's still dangerous, so no."


Hunter and Zekaj sat there sitting on the bench staring at the wall in front of them. The institute sure wasn't interesting when you had nothing to do. The two just watched mages pass by, some carrying artifacts, books, or even small children.

"This is boring,"  Zekaj said.

"I know,"  Hunter sighed.

"Can we just leave?"

"I'm not going to upset my family any more than I need to,"  Hunter said.

No matter how much Hunter's family had hurt him, he still wanted their approval. He couldn't help it. They were family.

"But Hunter-"

Hunter cut him off, "Two months and we're out Zekaj. No point in pissing them off until then. Then we're gone."

The demon grumbled in his head, "Fine."

The human sighed to himself, sad he was upsetting Zekaj.

Twenty minutes passed before Hunter heard his name called. The mage opened his eyes and saw Ben walking down the hall.

"Hunter Sullivan," He said.

"Hi?" Hunter questioned.

"Your father and everyone are ready for you, cmon." He smiled, his eyes gleamed in the light.

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