Ch. 80 - The Sword in the Stone

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Waking up was a struggle.

A nice, cuddly, warm struggle.

It didn't matter if Hunter was ready to get up and start the day, Zekaj was not letting him out of his arms until Zekaj was ready to do so. Hunter wasn't complaining.

Hunter just ran his fingers through Zekaj's black hair, occasionally scratching the top of it as the demon
continued to sleep. Every now and then his horns would gently brush against Hunter's fingers and the demon would stir.

Yesterday had been a lot for the two of them and so Hunter wasn't going to try and stir Zekaj awake. Just because he got little sleep, didn't mean he needed to prematurely wake the demon.

After everyone calmed down, Aegon and Caroline quickly had rooms prepared for the three Spirit Demons. It was quickly discussed that the fact that Castle Voidborne currently had real spirit demons staying in it would be kept a secret until Camelot had been reawakened as well as all of the other spirit demons sleeping underground.

The last thing they needed were curious mages to try and break into the Castle again. The wolf pack in the area had been very good at keeping the portal to the Spirit World guarded against companies, (most) hunters, and humans who didn't know about the paranormal secrets of the world.

Wolves were incredibly territorial with not only their mates but their land. Stepping inside a wolf's room was trespassing in their eyes and you could end up facing the wrath of said wolf.

The previous alpha had allowed for archivists, a fancy name for robbers, to try and find precious artifacts from the spirit world, specifically Amet, but failed miserably. The current alpha forbade anything of the sort.

Hunter suddenly felt Zekaj move as his head moved and his chin rested on Hunter's bare chest, the bristles of Zekaj's beard brushing along his skin.

The demon's glowing eyes were very dim and Hunter could see the whites of his eyes. Slowly the brightened back up as his eye was overtaken by the royal gold color.

Zekaj gave Hunter a sleepy grin before resting his head back on Hunter's chin, keeping his eyes on Hunter.

"Good morning sleepy," Hunter chuckled, playfully messing with the demon's bed-ridden hair.

"You need more sleep," Zekaj whispered, his voice groggy.

"I'm alright," Hunter continued to run his hands through Zekaj's hair.

"You have to promise me to nap sometime today then."

"Alright, as long as you're my pillow," Hunter smiled, the demon returning the smile.

Zekaj sat up from the bed and stretched out his muscular arms. The 4/5ths human just stared, watching the muscle tense and flex as Zekaj slightly showed off to his already smitten mate.

"Hi," Zekaj smiled.

"Hi," Hunter repeated, the butterflies in his stomach going giddy. It was the small things like this that showed the two were truly head over heels.

Zekaj rolled on top of Hunter, staring deep into his human's eyes. Slowly Zekaj lowered his lips till they met Hunter's and they pressed into a deep kiss.

Hunter felt Zekaj press his body deep into his own before pulling back and staring back into his eyes.

"You have morning breath," Zekaj snickered, ruining the mood.

Hunter frowned, "So do you asshole but I didn't want to ruin the mood."

Zekaj barked laughing followed by Hunter doing the same. Hopping off the bed, still laughing, Hunter stopped as he watched Zekaj's large naked form walk across the bedroom.

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