Ch. 2 - Zekaj

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"It's a deal.  Friends." Zekaj smiled, holding his hand out, gold flames appeared in his hand.

Hunter hesitated at first, before connecting his hand with Zekaj's.  Hunter gasped as the feeling of sparks was felt throughout his whole body.

Retracting his hand, Hunter looked at the palm of his hand.  In the center of his palm was a bronze symbol, the symbol of Zekaj.

"What the hell!"  Hunter said, staring wide eyed at Zekaj.

"Huh?" Zekaj looked at Hunter's extended out hand.  "Oh, it's my mark.  We made a contract."  He smiled.

"What? Why?"

"Well, it's what us demons do." Zekaj said.

"You're a D- d- DEMON?" Hunter screamed, slowly backing out of the room.  He knew little about demons, all he knew was from the whispering of his parents and from TV and movies, which didn't have much credibility.  Hunter was severely un-informed

The more dangerous spell books were kept in his parents' room.  Only his parents and his sister could use and read them.  If Hunter had access to these like his sister did at his age, he would have never summoned Zekaj.  It still made little sense why he was never told of the dangers of summoning demons.

Zekaj, not understanding Humans that well, didn't see a problem with this.  He didn't have time to explain himself as Hunter darted up the stairs.  Zekaj stood there for a bit before running after Hunter.

"Wait it's not like that!" Zekaj said, chasing Hunter up the stairs.  Damn, that human was fast.

He had almost gotten Hunter, but the human quickly turned around.  Extending his hand, palm facing Zekaj, grey magic surrounded his hand suddenly and a powerful energy shot from his hand throwing Zekaj back down the hallway.

Hunter knew some spells, just not many.

"The mage is strong." He mumbled to himself.  It took a powerful mage to knock a demon of his power down.

Getting back up, Zekaj saw that Hunter had locked himself in a room.  This room being Hunter's bedroom.

In the bedroom, Hunter was searching all over for his phone.  He never could keep track of the darn thing, and he needed it now more than ever.  If he could just call his parents, they could fix his problem.  He looked at the door after hearing a light knock.  He could see the shadow of Zekaj just outside the door.

"Hunter?" he asked.  "Let me explain, please?"

Hunter remained quiet.  He continued to stare at the door. Finally he saw the retreating form of Zekaj walk down the hallway.

Continuing to search for his phone, he didn't notice the figure appear in the dark corners of his room.  He especially didn't see the glowing gold eyes hovering in the darkness.

"Does this help?" Zekaj said in the corner of his room.  Hunter screamed, falling back onto his bed and pushing himself as far away as possible.  Hunter stopped as his back hit the wall.

Zekaj was standing in the corner of his room, in the shadows.  Zekaj stepped out of the shadows revealing the fact that he looked, human?

"I have like 4 forms.  My main one being the one you saw in the basement, this being my more humanly form, the shadow one from when I'm summoned or I need to move through shadows like I just did, or my enraged form."  Zekaj looked human, his ears were normal, tanned skin, hair coating his chest, arms and legs.  Zekaj had no horns and he had human eyes that were still the same pale gold though.  He still had the markings, which were still gold.  In his human form you could tell he was around eighteen.  "Does looking human make you more comfortable?" he asked.

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