Ch. 66 - What a Demon Needs

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Hunter yelped as he was lifted back up into his demon's arms when he had just finished in the bathroom.

Zekaj kicked the door open as he carried Hunter deeper into the castle.

"Where are you taking me?" Hunter asked, trying to hide his growing bulge in his pants.

"It's a tradition for newly mated Voidbornes to make love deep within the caves under the castle. In a place we call "The Cave of the Lovers". You'll love it, I promise."

"Zekai had mentioned a cave underneath the castle..." Hunter said as Zekaj continued his quick descent through the castle.

Instead of simply running down the steps, Zekaj jumped down them landing with a thud and breaking off into a sprint again.

"Jesus Christ, Zekaj," Hunter yelped in shock.

"What? I want to get there quickly, I've been waiting for this for years at this point." Zekaj laughed as he turned another corner and promptly threw the two downstairs again.

"And yeah, Zekai had told me how he told you all about our origin. Isn't it cool?" Zekaj said as he came to a complete stop to a set of doors exactly like the ones at the entrance of the castle.

"We need to get my mark updated on these doors sometime. Luckily it still works and even answers to you," Zekaj laughed. "Since we share a mark."

The doors grinded open as they revealed the long dark staircase that went deep into the castle.

Instead of throwing themselves down like Zekaj did before, Zekaj slowly walked in and quietly made his way down the steps. The only sound being from his bare feet hitting the brick of the stairs.

Every couple of steps a pale gold flame would alight on a torch and as they got further away it would put itself out, leaving small parts of the stairs lit up for a brief moment as they continued their descent.

"I do have to ask, we aren't really about to like, mate on a cave floor?" Hunter asked, very skeptical of this whole thing.

Zekaj burst out laughing, the echoes of his laughter filling the staircase and descending deep down the stairs.

"No, no, that'd be weird as shit. It's furnished and very nice down there. Our parents showed us a couple decades ago and I got it all prepped a couple days ago too. Nice new silky sheets and everything. There's a bed, decorations, and a nice steamy lake deeper in the caves." Zekaj explained.

"That's nicer than I thought," Hunter chuckled to himself.

The stairs came to a stop and the colder breeze of the cave bit at Hunter's skin and was quickly replaced by Zekaj's warmth. Hunter couldn't see anything as Zekaj made their final descent.

Looking up, Hunter saw his mate's eyes glowing dim, his night vision coming in handy.

Zekaj slowly lowered Hunter onto the bed as he looked down at his mate who he knew couldn't see a thing. Hunter starred up into the pale gold eyes of Zekaj.

With a sudden movement, Hunter felt his arms pinned above his head. His breathing became heavy as Zekaj lowered his body closer to Hunter, still, only the light of his eyes could be seen.

"Zekaj I wanna see-" Hunter was cut off as Zekaj stole the words from his mouth with a kiss before pulling back.

Zekaj blinked as his eyes filled with the pale gold light and the same colored magic rippled through his body as his demonic form came forward.

Staring into the bright eyes of his mate, Hunter watched as the light reached his head and moved up as his horns formed and the pale gold tips came to light.

Hunter watched as stalactites from the ceiling started to glow the same pale gold, illuminating the room in their dim glow as well as the demon above him. The ends were made of the same crystals as the ends of Zekaj's horns. The same pale gold color as well.

Zekaj sat up as he pulled his top off, throwing it somewhere in the cave. Before Hunter could follow suit, Zekaj ripped the long sleeve shirt off, tossing it as well.

The warm tips of Zekaj's fingers found their way to Hunter's bare chest as he slowly gilded them along his body, tracing the gold markings that were tattooed into his powerful mate.

"How I longed to have you under me like this," Zekaj said as he grinded down into the human, putting his lips mere centimeters from his mate's lips.


Uncensored version of this chapter is available on Patreon:


Falling back against the bed, Hunter was soon groaning for another reason as the demon above him collapsed on top of him.

The two just breathed into each other, overwhelmed by the senses.

Hunter could barely keep his eyes open, only the soft whisperings of Zekaj could be heard in his head. Not even his own thoughts could be heard.

"Go to sleep, I'll clean you up nicely," Zekaj whispered into his ears.

Hunter let his eyes close completely as he felt Zekaj peck his forehead.


Patreon has this chapter up uncensored for 5 dollars a month! It's a great deal as you get Uncensored versions of chapters as well as 5 chapters early! 67-71 are currently up now! :)

You can also vote for this months NSFW exclusive chapter as well as the first chapter of Max and Aj's story :)

Sorry for the shortness but I'm hoping to have a new one out soon :)


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