Ch. 73 - Put It On His Tab

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Hunter got into the front seat followed by mumbling and grumbling from Zekaj in the back.

"Why do I have to sit in the back?" Zekaj groaned.

"Do you really want to sit by my father?" Hunter looked over his shoulder at the grumbling demon in the corner.

"No, but I don't want to sit alone," Zekaj pouted. "What did I do to deserve this?"

"You were rude to my dad," Hunter said. Zekaj was about to defend himself but Hunter continued on. "Doesn't matter if he deserves it."

"Heard that," Jaxon said, sitting in the front seat.

"Whatever," Zekaj said from the back, clicking in his seatbelt. It was almost comical for the overly large demon in the back seat while two skinny men sat in the front. "Let's just get my stupid brother and go home."

Hunter rolled his eyes from the front seat and plugged in his phone to the car charger. His father pulled out of the driveway and headed for downtown as the car was filled with an awkward silence.

It took only a couple seconds for his phone to be charged enough it could turn on. Sadly the phone's screen had managed to have a crack in the top right but it was still usable.

Nothing was interesting in terms of notifications. The only thing that was interesting that happened in the world except for the fact that Taylor Swift had dropped another surprise album.

He had no texts from his mother or sister, which wasn't that shocking. Though he did have one from Max saying both him and AJ hoped he was safe.

"You can stay here if you want, you do know that right?" Jaxon said to Hunter as he drove.

"Oh, well thank you." Hunter wasn't sure how to respond to that.

"He's fine in Hell, thanks though," Zekaj said from the backseat staring out the window.

"I kinda miss my room though," Hunter added.

"What? Whatever we'll just come and steal what we want sometime."

"You can take whatever you want, It's all Hunter's anyway," Jaxon said, turning into downtown.

"You really could have found out about us a lot earlier if you turned on my switch," Hunter laughed. "Zekaj had his own profile and everything."

"Or even his camera roll. But you were too stupid to do that," Zekaj snickered from the back.

"I didn't want to invade his privacy, ok?" Jaxon laughed, parallel parking in front of the bakery.

Zekaj quickly exited the vehicle and pushed through the bakery door. Both Hunter and his father had to speed walk into the bakery, only to find Zekaj whacking Zekai on the back of the head.

"Ow!" Zekai said, rubbing the back of his head. "Fancy seeing you guys here."

"We had to come get your dumbass before you caused any more chaos," Zekaj said, sitting down next to the two at the table.

The bakery was small and Amanda, the owner, was sitting at the table with Zekai. Various bakery items were sitting on the table, many half-eaten. Luckily the bakery itself was empty.

Zekaj was thankful for the fact that his brother wasn't running around in demon form luckily. His pale skin mimicked his own and the four arms were put away. Though his clothing made him stick out like a sore thumb.

"Wasn't Zekaj but his brother," Jaxon said, taking a quick seat alongside his son and Amanda.

"Yeah, quickly realized after he told me his name." Amanda laughed.

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