Ch. 18 - Warmth

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That was the easiest way for Hunter to describe what he was feeling. His whole body had been taken over by the most comforting warmth ever since Zekaj and him had touched fingertips.

They both pulled back their hands at the same time and looked at their hand. Hunter felt sparks all along his fingers that fueled the ever-growing warmth in his body.

Suddenly, a force was trying to pull him towards Zekaj who was still staring at his hands.

They both looked at each other at the same time, they're eyes staring deep into each other.

A flood of emotions spilled into every deep corner of his body. His love for Zekaj multiplied by thousands. The tugging got worse as his soul begged to be connected with its other half.

"Is this?" Hunter started.

"The bond?" Zekaj finished his sentence.

The tears that had stopped for a brief second started as Hunter and Zekaj gasped at the force begging them for skin to skin contact.

Hunter jumped at the sudden movement from Zekaj as he jumped to his feet and pulled him up off his feet into a hug. Zekaj squeezed Hunter, deepening the hug as much as possible.

Hunter couldn't believe how much his heart squirmed, feeling Zekaj's strong body against his. The normal emotions he felt when Zekaj hugged him before were multiplied with the bond.

"Soulmates!" He cried. "I can't believe it!"

Hunter slipped his arms out of Zekaj's grasp to wrap his arms around him. Hunter let out a little chuckle. He truly believed the universe had heard his pleas to make them soulmates.

Zekaj put him down, still holding him as close as possible. The hug itself wasn't enough for either of them. Zekaj quickly slipped his hand up the back of Hunter's shirt, satisfying the bond with skin to skin contact.

"Is this alright?" Zekaj whispered.

"Yes," Hunter whispered back, basking in the warmth flooding through his body and the sparks dancing across his back from Zekaj's touch.

"We're soulmates." It was weird for Hunter to say it out loud. Something he's been wanting for months has finally come true. "Demons and Humans aren't supposed to be able to be soulmates."

"I mean I guess we're the outlier then. Something put us together, I don't know why. But I'm incredibly thankful for this bond." Zekaj rested his head in the nook of Hunter's neck, where one day is mark would rest.

Both of their tears had slowly come to a stop. They stood there hugging for a while before Zekaj pulled his head out from Hunter's neck.

"Can I kiss you?" Zekaj asked. The longer he stood there with his arms around Hunter, waiting for an answer, the longer he yearned to capture Hunter's lips.

"Y-yes." Hunter stuttered, staring into the glowing eyes of Zekaj.

Zekaj slowly cupped Hunter's cheek staring at the lips he would soon claim, the ones he's been dreaming of for months. He slowly inched forward, his lips stopping just before reaching Hunter's.

Hunter's lips parted anticipating the incoming kiss. His heart pounded in his chest as Zekaj stared deep into him.

Zekaj pulled Hunter in the rest of the way and their lips met. The warmth spread passing through themselves back and forth.

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