"It's the truth!" Sasuke snapped.

"Wake up Naruto your parents are just like mine all they want is money!"

Sasuke pressed his lips together, once he saw the bitter pain that flashed in those blue eyes. Yes, he had been in the same situation realizing that his parents value was money, but no one had smacked him with the bitter truth like he did with Naruto. He didn’t know why but Naruto was triggering, and trembling every wall he had built to protect him.

As, much as he wanted his body wouldn’t move his walls wouldn’t let him break them, as he caught Naruto snap up, and runaway from him. The blond ran, as fast as he could to his room his chest was burning, and lungs were heaving. Entering his room he slammed the door shut only to crumble to the floor.

He never imagined or even dreamed of his parents doing this to him. Betraying him despite the close relationship he thought they had. Naruto grasped him phone trying to compose himself, as he dialed a number.



Naruto could hear Shikamaru panic on the other end of the phone.

"Naruto are you crying!?" Shikamaru asked.

"Shika, I need a favor your dad has all ties with my fathers files…..can you please ask him about the one of my marriage?" Naruto asked sniffing.

The other side of the phone went silent, before Shikamaru jumped out of his chill side.

"What do you mean!?"

"Please, Shika just call me back when you gather all the information."

With that he ended the call. He fumbled to his bed, before clasping, and cuddling into a ball. His tears were drying, and eyes were softening, as he stopped crying.


Naruto answered the phone quickly to hear Shikamaru's voice.

"Naruto?" Shikamaru called.

"So what are the rules?" Naruto asked sitting up from his laying position.

He heard a sigh only to make his stomach hurl.

"Naruto……the contract says if Kisame's business doesn’t go as plan…….then you'll have to wait five years to get a divorce."

Naruto felt his ears ring, as his heart stopped he was silent, and frozen for a minute, before he snapped out of his dazed state.

"What!? Sasuke had two contracts before just two years apart!" Naruto protested.

Shikamaru sighed again.

"I looked into that, but……I don’t know why would this one lasts so long the others were contracted for two months after the "testing year" was completed. Maybe his parents really think you're the one."

"I……can't get out of this can I?" Naruto asked his voice trembling, as new sets of tears fell from his eyes.

"Neither can Sasuke." Shikamaru added.

Naruto sighed he sniffed clearing his voice.

"Thank you Shika for your help…..I'll call you soon."

Naruto ended the call to crumble back on the bed. As, much as those words broke his heart he knew Sasuke was right. He had been blinded by his parents greed.

"W-why?" he whimpered out.

He snuggled against the sheets burying his head against the pillows. His tears soaked the sheets, as he tried to calm down.

Just One Year (Sasunaru)Where stories live. Discover now