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Hey loves: READ IF YOU WANT! below in the bold writing is an explanation of where I've been! BELOW IT IS THE NEW CHAPTER! THANK YOU! (I also will be posting this on every update so if you read this already from my other books thank you, and enjoy!)

Good morning, good afternoon or goodnight whatever it is for you when you read this I hope you having a good day! Loves I wanted to apologize for taking again so long to update. It's been more than a month I think but right now I'm working on a new chapter for he's not as bad as you think. I'm been going through some good things and some bad mostly good thankfully haha. I felt better after me and my family went on a trip and this month was really healing for me. This month on the first would of been making six months since my grandma past and it still feels so fresh. I dream of her jere and there before and I would cry a lot. I miss her so much and I felt broke leaving on my trip with my family because the place we went to she wanted to go to. Man cancer sucks so much! I pray one day we find a cure! I know there has been one but the government kills those doctors cause they will lose money like imagine how much money they get from patients buying chemo and pills and all that! Anyways like I was saying I was going through it happy then not happy and it's even since my grandma past I felt guilty. I felt guilty not seeing her the last two weeks of her life I talked to her once and even calmed her down in those two weeks but she was alway on so much medicine she couldn't speak. And with corona they only let one person in. And In the last three days they let more than one person pass but my uncle never let me go. Maybe he was trying to protect me from it and I copied if driven over there but i where my grandma was located was at a far hospital that was deep in city well I was scared to drive over there I didn't have a license and I didn't have experience driving in traffic. I drove mostly where there's barely any. Loves I honestly thought she would pass in our home I thought she was coming home the day they told she was coming home she pass. The reason I say this and I mention this is cause not to long ago I had a dream that the last three days of her life she was here at home and I got to spend them with her. She told me she loved me very much and the time she passed in my dream is when I woke up and I cried a lot. That dream gave me some closure we have her ashes at home and I would talk to her tell that I hope she didn't hold it against me that I didn't go see her. And ever since that dream I feel like she finally answered me. And I also have been working on my business and trying to set up my YouTube channel and the other day when I passed by kitchen to get a snack because my small business is making candles and well when I passed back at the corner of my eye I saw her sitting where she always sat when she was home and she was smiling happily and that just made me so happy. It doesn't scare me I see her sometimes and well I just see as supporting me for what I'm doing. Falling my dreams and getting there. It hard loves doing everything by myself but I'm getting there and I'm happy that I'm working so much for something that I want. If you read this thank you loves for taking your time to do so. I just wanted to explain what has been going on and what has been delaying my books. I love you all thank you for being patient with me loves and I'll update as soon as I can love you all! Thank you for reading if you did!


Naruto was walking with Sasuke towards his best friends house. They were walking just fine, and chatting just fine until they reached the porch Sasuke halted his steps. The blond slowly stopped talking, as his eyes were set on the raven who was just staring forward his eyes slightly wide. Naruto furrowed his brows only to turn, and his jaw dropped, as he caught his two best friends kissing then breaking apart.

"Oh my god." Naruto whispered.

The blond eyes fell over the raven who turned away the exact same time. The blond grasped the ravens hand to pull him off the porch.

"Let's just stay over here, because if they catch us we will never hear the end of us being so called perverts." Naruto explained.

Sasuke was led to a swing set that was tied up to a trees branch. The swing was a two set, which the blond sat first, then the raven second. They both pushed softly letting the swing guide them, as a gust of wind fluttered by.

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