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Hey, loves! Here is the next chapter I had this ready I believe yesterday but I was tired from work. Tomorrow is my birthday haha and we'll me and my family had planned to go to the beach but right when we got here if was pouring and raining plus cold. I'm a little down about it because I thought for once I can I get to relax but I guess not haha. Well I can still relax but I really wanted to go to the beach and detox especially from work they are making me come in Monday at five in the morning gosh I hate that! Ugh enough of my rambling please enjoy this chapter I love you all you loved have no IDEA how much I adore each and every one of you loves! Thank you for being here and taking your time to read my book write on my board or even message me.🧡💙🧡💙

Sasuke was mesmerized by everything, time seemed to just slow down. The raven felt like he was in another world away from the chaos in the world away from the pressure the many eyes that always wanted to know what he was doing.

This place felt more soothing, and clam way more than the beach, but maybe it was just the aura or maybe... even Naruto.

"You okay?"

Sasuke was pulled out of his thoughts to turn, and face the blond that was gazing at him with slight concern. He felt a soft tap to his lap the raven looking down to see Haru had laid his head on his lap. Sasuke took a moment to respond.

"I...." Sasuke trailed off.

His fingers brushed through's Haru's white fur only to peer off into the distant.

"For once I feel like I don't have anyone on me." Sasuke whispered.

Naruto's eyes soften he looked out onto the filed of flowers the wind rustling through them. He had been right after all Sasuke in fact had been going through everything alone.

"I don't know what exactly you went through I'm just experiencing it......but after all this is over just go where you want to be." Naruto advised.

"I've always felt at home here, and I come here every weekend, but I would go stay with my parents because.....I thought we were close......but after all this I fully want to live here , because it feels like home. The city is just too much for me who says you need a mansion or large house to feel at home? Who says we can't be rich, and comfortable? I don't want many cars or an overly large house I want to be at peace." Naruto confessed.

Sasuke was awe struck, by the blonds confession. Everyone he had met wanted nothing to show off how rich they were or own, as many cars as they wanted.

'I'm not like the others.'

Naruto turned to face him his eyes so bright.

"You? What do you want Sasuke?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke eyes widened he lowered them to gaze at Haru who lifted his head to stare at him, before licking his nose. Sasuke chuckled his fingers brushing through that winter fur.

'What do I want? He asked

"No one has ever asked me that?" He confessed.

He lifted his head peering up at the sky that was bright, and fluttered with clouds.

"Freedom." He stated in a soft whisper.

Sasuke lowered his head.

"To not be controlled. I want to wake up, and live my life. I don't want to be waking up everyday to a box full of emails or servants running around being ordered to do something I can do. Hell, I can't even drive on my own at times, because I know my parents will call me. I have to steady my business because so my family doesn't crumble. I understand that family is supposed to be there for one another, but my parents are making me work for something that is their problem, and if my business crumbles or isn't the highest ranking or the sales just goes down a bit they are there yelling I need to work harder. I work, as hard as I can.....but like you said go where I want to be....but I don't even know where that is.....I just want to be free."

Just One Year (Sasunaru)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant