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Hi my loves welcome back! I hope you all enjoy this chapter I wasn't expecting to take long I'm still dealing with being sick. I'm sure when I wake up to comments it's going to make me feel better! Thank you for always coming back!


"We can explain!"

Iruka didn't hold back from scolding the two. Sasuke was astonished at the others anger but he felt something behind him. He glanced over his shoulder his eyes locking with orange ones that slightly narrowed. Sasuke felt his body tense up as his throat ran dry.

'Did he hear all that?'

From how deep Yahiko was in the hallway he knew Yahiko had to hear Iruka's shouting. Sasuke trailed his eyes away feeling a bit more than annoyed mostly because he knew now that the other knew that him and his blond were in an arranged marriage. It didn't defeat the fact that they were actually together but he knew Yahiko was going to become a thorn to know the whole truth. Sasuke eyes landed on his blond who had his arms crossed feeling a tad bit happy his parents were getting scolded.

The raven suddenly turned around only to lock eyes with Yahiko who had been staring at him the raven walked up to the other Yahiko fixing his posture the two being the same sight. Kiba, Shikamaru and Neji eyes fell over Sasuke. Shikamaru once again had to be advised not to intervene. Suigetsu peered at Shikamaru nervously he walked over to Shikamaru and grasped his arm grasping his attention.

"Come let's get some fresh air you need it."

Shikamaru eyes fell over Naruto then at Sasuke's back.

"Whatever happens Sasuke can handle it and he'll defend Naruto I assure you that." Suigetsu reassured causing Shikamaru to cave following after Suigetsu who lead them to the other end of the hallway.

Kiba glanced worryingly at Neji both of them eyeing Sasuke who was right in front of Yahiko.

"Yes our marriage was arranged by our parents but we are together."

Yahiko's eyes widened and he gave the other a challenging look.

"We'll see about that."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed and darkened as they gazed at the other he was and wasn't expecting that answer he was hoping Yahiko wouldn't try to find his way between them.

"Do you love him?" Yahiko suddenly asked.

"I wouldn't be with him if I wasn't." Sasuke answered.

Yahiko nodded still holding his challenging eyes.

"Well tell me Uchiha if that so called love you feel for him would you take him back after finding out that deep betrayal was to save a family member. I know more than anything Naruto is not going to hold a grudge against me."

"I know that." Sasuke cut in.

"The main reason I came to tell that we are together isn't to challenge you but seeing the way you jumped backstage and caused attention I wouldn't doubt you going to full length to let everyone know our marriage is arranged. I'm telling you and I ask if Naruto wants or doesn't wants to talk to you to let that be it that he decides.

"He's already been through a lot first the arrange marriage took a lot out of him especially his parents trusts. Not to long ago he found out the reason you left was that you stole money and that you went around with one of the maids Now, someone he loves got sick and thankfully healed with the same illness that took his grandfathers life. Now his ex lover had a fair reason to do what he did and now he has to deal with how he feels about you."

Just One Year (Sasunaru)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن