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Hi loves I'm sorry for the delay and then today too I kept getting interrupted, or we had to go some where. Then I even fell asleep on my desk haha 😅 Still I hope you enjoy this chapter it was fun to make! 💙🧡

'I can't believe I just 'hn' this should be considered, as a crime!'

"Well, that's what they say when you're with someone a lot you start to take in their traits." Ayashi chuckled.

The group laughed along with the Uchiha family who were still trying to compose themselves. Itachi's eyes fell over his mother, and father who moments ago were having a difficult time swallowing down their laugh. Itachi wasn't fazed at all by Naruto's effect. The Uchiha's were always ones to be so blank expression the ones that heavily took that role were Sasuke, and Fugaku. Mikoto, and Itachi were a bit more less tense.

It wasn't only that face, but Naruto's parents proved to his parents that laughing existed inside them. Itachi was more than pleased, and overjoyed that someone that bubbly would take out the bitterness Sasuke had. For two people that were forced into an arranged marriage he wonder if it was an act which Itachi doubted. Sasuke never did smile with the other fake contractors.

'I'm glad they get along.'

Ayashi's wife snuggled more against her husband side he was taking a sip of his wine, as she made that gesture. His eyes fell over his wife's eyes, and Naruto's eyes glowed slightly. The way she looked up, and how they both melted through each other gazes. Their eyes seemed to glow, and flood with love when they fell upon one another. He mumbled something to her emitting her to giggle.

Naruto's lips curled into a smile his lashes softening at the view of the two just from the way they peered at each other you can tell they were more than head over heels for one another. The way Ayashi's wife was pressed against her husbands chest Naruto's was in the same position. Being that pressed up upon Sasuke's chest he had no where to place his hands then upon the raven. One hand was upon Sasuke's lower back, as the other was trailing the side of Sasuke's suit with his fingers.

Sasuke eyes caught the blond turning away from the two madly in love couple. Sasuke was slightly stunned by the sudden light pink over Naruto's cheeks.

'I wonder what's going through his mind?'

'I hope when he sees couples he doesn't think of what if's with his ex'

At that thought Sasuke's hand slightly moved pulling the blond just an inch closer. That light action brought Naruto eyes to peer up at Sasuke's who's ebony orbs fell over his. When their eyes locked a bundle, and wave of nerves tickled him. He was fighting his nervousness every time he locked eyes with Sasuke. The blush that was created over his cheeks was due to a thought he had.

When Naruto laid his eyes over the couple, he wondered if that kind of love would ever find him. He also hopped Sasuke would as well, and that they both would find someone that would care for them, as much as they did. Naruto felt uneasy he didn't feel confident with Sasuke finding someone else, and he was in the same boat. He couldn't imagine, and never wanted for Sasuke to go through what he did. Especially being wealthy, and his over the top features.

Not only did the thought of Sasuke with someone else emit his heart to sink merely because he didn't trust anyone with Sasuke. When you're wealthy, and have quote on quote everything envious people or even greedy people will try to get to you. Already from Sasuke's past he already knew women were after his money, but he thought of that one contract that fell for him.

'I wouldn't expect any less for Sasuke to find it difficult to fall.' Naruto thought.

'But I do wonder who would Sasuke have eyes for.'

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