Kids: relationship with their siblings

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They have to deal with Rei and Haruhi, then they're all cool with one another. August and Eve are best friends, he's the one who usually watches her. The crackheads will kill each other.


The twins are chill with one another. They go on double dates with Tameiko and Osoro. It's honestly chill.


Only child.


They kinda hate each other-


Only child

Dabi x TogA

Well, half siblings? Roman and Pluto are best friends! Roman offers to babysit without pay, walks him to school, etc.

Oh and Pluto's quirk is getting decided soon. If I can find more of what Burnin's quirk is, cuz she was able to grab the fire from her hair.


Phoenix and Amai hate each other. Amai already knows he isn't coming back, but she likes keeping the memories of when he didnt murder people, alive.


Okuri is their only child.


Meg and Daenerys... Meg would drown her sister and kick someone's ass for messing with her.


No siblings


Clarith is always gone lol.


Luka shoved someone into a ballpit for calling his babysister ugly.


Despise one another. Riven and Manami have cat fights all the time.


She might have siblings. She doesn't care for them that much. She was like eleven when her two brothers were born.


They're all cool with one another. Love each other and Mizumi will beat someone for hurting her siblings. especially her brother.

Should Baby boy be named Katsuki or a mix between Toshinori and Katsuki. I was thinking Kanori but idk if there is a meaning behind that so it sounds dumb.


Osoro loves Okimi but doesn't show it a lot. Okimi always bothers him until she gets to bored to care.

Bubble x Mirio

Only child. He's friends with the Midoriya kids who he sees as siblings :). He loves them a lot.
He even babysits their youngest.

Shiozaki x Awase

Jekyll and Hyde: Confrontation. Devon is Jekyll, Divine is Hyde. Both are 'evil' and both are 'good'.

Divine's headcanon voice is actually Henry Jekyll's voice in the musical. Really heavenly ya know.

Also, should Ambrosia's name get changed? I'm thinking of naming her Sistine. You know, like Sistine Chapel?

The Rosalind Show (bnha second gen)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ