Howd they tell their friends they were preggers (reboot)

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They found out at the same time lmao-


Mina got on the group chat and just said "lol look" and sent a picture of three pregnancy tests


Rumi hardly knew until she was showing- she literally didn't show symptoms. Like, around her second month she started showing a bit and was like "uhhh? Keigo?".

Rumi sent Ryuko and Moe the photos and they both started screeching-


Iida went on the news and that's when everyone found out- he was just like "oh, yeah, my wife and I are finally having a kid! I hope it's a boy so I can name him after Tensei, but either way, I'd love them with all my heart!" And everyone started talking about it-


Jirou got on the Minecraft server and Denki told everyone to get on. She made a little sign lol.

Dabi x Moe

I might change Roman's age. I like the idea of Roman being sorta like Mirio to Rosalind but Rosalind has a FAT crush on Roman.

Uhh, so Moe actually didn't tell any of her friends and because she's just a sidekick, she wasn't as big of a deal, plus Ragdoll and Tensei got married that year so that overshadowed her. She honestly only told the Todoroki's and Miruhawks because she trusted Keigo and Rumi.

Keigo was already ready to commit a crime. Moe is like a younger sister to them, so he is extremely defensive over her. Rumi said "oh you banged a villain too?" And Moe fell to the ground wheezing.


Mirio and Bubble Girl were the first to know. They were told at a dinner party. Like, Nejire stood up in the middle of dessert and was like "we're having a baby!" And Mirio and Kaoruko just dropped everything.

They bought a bunch of dessert for her that night because they wanted her to eat as much as possible.


Hero gala, they both just said "ahaha I'm eating for two ugly bitches. Me and that baby because babies are ugly af when they're a week old."

Word for word. Yuu was trying to hold back laughter as she said it. 

Shinya was mad because he's always the last to know about anything. They assumed that he knew they were together, didn't invite him to their wedding because they thought it was implied (he ended up being the best man.), and she was literally absent for days and no one told him that Yuu was pregnant.


Rumi was the one who guessed it before either of them- she's good at reading people and found out long before Ryuko or Shinya knew. She was mainly joking but she had suspicion. Especially since Ryuko literally couldn't stand certain things that she used to love, so she was like "uhh, I got pregnancy tests for you." Especially because she was already pregnant at the time-

Ryuko sits weirdly and Shinya goes "my hand really hurts, damn", and Ryuko's legs are trembling. Rumi is the first to go "OH SHIT" and then Keigo realizes it and goes "OMG-"


Reiko just said "this is too tight." One day. She mainly wears baggy clothing so the day she decided to wear tight clothes was the day Rosalind decided to start showing and Monoma and Kendou noticed. She already knew she was pregnant, she just didn't wanna make a big deal out of it.


Fatgum invited Kirishima and Amajiki over with their partners and they watched movies and stuff and Emi was like "hey Nejire, can you check the oven for me?"

There was a little bun in the oven and Nejire's dumbass sat there like "I thought we were having Digiorno?" And Amajiki went to check on it and said "oh Emi's pregnant, cool..."


Ryukyu squad reunion party and Tsuyu just held a jacket over her torso the entire time, kinda like how Katy Perry hid her pregnancy, and when Ryuko offered to take her jacket away, Tsu was like "y e s. Please do." And she had a whole five month baby bump and Nejire and Ryuko just started squealing and Ochako had to sit in the corner.

Izuku told Bakugo and Todoroki the second he found out- like he just found out and was like "TODOROKI, BAKUGO-"


Same way except Ochako just said "I'm pregnant" and Tsu went "congrats lol." And went back to texting Izuku.

Katsuki said "oh yea, we're having a kiddo."


Mic told Aizawa first and Komari told rat fuyumi.

Then they told the public on the day they found out the sex. She gets a lot of attention since she's the wife of a hero, and she hates it, so she stays inside throughout the first few months, even after they announce it.

Bubble girl x Mirio

They literally didn't tell anyone- only Tamaki and Nejire and then they just shut up for the rest of the pregnancy-

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