Kaoruko x Mirio

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Bubble Girl x Mirio.

How do they decorate for Christmas?

How do they decorate for Christmas?

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How many kids do they want?

Two. Dunno why. Just two.

Kids: things about their parents that scare them

Mirai: he's scared of the fact that his dad has fought a man quirkless and almost won-

Kids: events when they were tiny!

Mirai covered himself in peanut butter

Mirai covered himself in peanut butter

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Texts in the middle of the night

Kaoruko: You wanna commit arson
Mirio: Y e s.
Kaoruko: IT WAS A JOKE

Holidays with the interns

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Holidays with the interns

They don't exactly have interns- Holidays with the big Three is just Kaoruko begging to braid Nejire's hair.

What happens when they walk in on the other?

What happens when they walk in on the other?

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She's never seen him naked cuz of his hero costume.


He is astounded

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He is astounded.

Their kids in the future


He's the tenth OFA user, He'll probably be taking Amai from Okuri, he's gonna be the next number seven hero.

Kids: relationships with their siblings

Only child for now :)

Facts about the kids

Mirai is PanDemi, he is gonna watch Amai lose her Arm or eye in the future, idk which one I want yet.


He's laughing at a dumb show and she's eating ice cream. They end up making a bunch of ice cream because he wants to eat salt and ice cream at the same time. Don't ask.

Kids Birthdays

Mirai is born on...

What if I said it was All Might's birthday- jk hi His birthday is April 1st. Mirio thought her labor was a big joke and then she was like "I- NO-"

Kids: what happens when they get hurt?

Mirio after watching his son break his bones:

Mirio after watching his son break his bones:

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Reaction to the other's death

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Reaction to the other's death

Mirio: Say hi to Sir for me? Please.

He accepts it and just stays with her, trying to talk with her as much as possible. He loves her but knows it'll just end up with her dying like Nighteye did, so he accepts it.

Kaoruko: I love you Mirio.

She confesses everything and it ends up with him dying with a smile on his face, which she loves.

Reaction to the other surviving.

Kaoruko: I swear-

Kaoruko: I swear-

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He pushed past a nurse like he did for Nighteye. Three nurses this time.

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