harry befriends Ron and hermione

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Their first class was potions and harry got the feeling of dread from it. Once the potion professor and best potion master came in and slam the door he talked and harry rote down everything.
He looked threw all of snaps memory but saw snake tried to block him and harry stoped his legitmeacy for now.
He called roll.
"Harry Potter our new celebrity. Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?”
Hermione waved her hand up

Harry looked at snap and said
"you’d brew a sleeping potion ‘so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death" said harry but hid his smirk

Snap looked surprised but hid it.
Where would I get bezoar?"
Harry looked at him again
bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons" said harry

Snap didn't show any emotion
"Mr.potter what are the difference of monkshood and wolfsbane?"
" monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite" said harry
"Well! Why arent any of you copying!" Yelled snape

Hermione looked at harry but harry didn't really look at her.

Harry went to professor flintwick class and everyone was trying the charm they were assigned. Harry tried it even though he could fairly do it easily but had to stay I the clear so he tried it again and saw hermione use the charm
Wingardium Leviosa. She floated tbe feather up slowly and professor flint was so happy he awarded griffindor twenty points.

Harry was walking with ron,dean and seamus when Ron was berating and saying rude things about her. Harry mentally wanted to get ride of Ron but kept it in. He saw hermione bump Ron's shoulder hard and began to cry and walk away.

(Great hall)
Their were pumpkins floating around with candles in them.
Harry notices that hermione wasn't here and most likely was in the girls bathroom crying her eyes out.
They were all talking when professor qurill came running in yelling that a troll was in the dungeon.

Everyone was screaming and freaking out all except harry who looked concerned. 'Ugh this is part of voldemort plan I know it still could he jave picked any one better than that muggle and i know Dumbledore will want me to save hermione.... Well shit.'

Dumbledore told the perfects to lead the students back to the common room.
Harry ans Ron went after hermione and saw the troll go in the girls restroom. They heard a scream and went in and harry and Ron did their best to knock out the troll bit hermione saved them and used her spell to lift up the trolls club and drop it on his head and it got knocked out.

The professors came in the restroom and harry,Ron and hermione told them what happened and professor McGonagall rewarded them ten points for pure stupid luck.

Harry was seething inside if only he could use hos full power but the restraints hes using to keep hid power at bay is really starting to piss him off.

Skip a couple of months
(I don't feel like writing the whole first year so well go to wear harry vs quill)

Harry walked in and saw quill look at the mirror of Erised he walked slowly and saw quill still looking at started to speak.

"You know I always wondered why voldemort chose a muggle such as your self to use as a host.
Smirked harry

When he saw qurill flinch and turn to look at him with anger and hatred but it quickly turned to fear when harry showed his true eyes and his arua.

'Let me speak to the boy'
Qurill  nodded and unwrapped his turban on his head.

And showed a face behind his head and it look at harry but instead of seeing fear he only saw boredom.

"Well well the mighty lord voldemort once the most powerful dark wizard now a pathetic wraith stuck the a muggle" harry sneered

Voldemort glared at harry
"But to ne honest this doesn't surprised me as your a halfblood so your muggle side from your father had to come up some time. Right tom marvolo riddle" smirked harry

Voldemort was down right pissed
"How do you know that!" He yelled

He saw harry laugh and evil laugh which for some reason was scaring him to his core

"OH I looked at the potter tapestry and found the gaunt family tapestry right next to the potter branch and both family are tied to the peverll branch which makes us distant cousins. And we both jave suffered because of muggels but their are to things that separate us one I'm more powerful than you and two in a pureblood while your a halfblood"

"What are you talking about your a halfblood your filthy muggle mother was a mudblo-"

Voldemort didn't get to finish because harry launch a powerful blast of energy at them which caused them to smash into a wall and then used the Cruciatus Curse on both of them by pointing his wand. They were both in pain so mich pain that they started to throw up blood and some bits of food.

While harry was licking his lips in pure pleasure of seeing his cousin slash enemy on thw ground withering in pain and then he used dark magic to cut strips of qurills skin and flesh off which caused harry to moan a little at their screams then went to the mirror and look at it and felt the stone in his pocket.

He then shrunk the mirror and created a pendent and opened it and their were many little small holes to put his rewards or spoils in. Harry placed the small mirror on the far right side and the stone in the middle.

He closed the pedant on his neck and placed a protection charm and a curse on it so that anybody who tried to open ot besides harry would feel unimaginable pain. He then out other spells from black magic to holy magic so that nobody would be able to tell.

He looked back and saw qurill starting to get back up and used illusion and sound magic to created a fake mirror and destroyed it and they both looked up and voldemort yelled and fury and qurill launched himself but harry used death magic to not only to kill qurill but turn his hole body to sand. He swiped his wand to make sure his magic
Signature He saw smoke rising and saw a ghostly gas face.

"You will pay for this harry potter mark my words you may have won this time but I'll be back!"

Harry smirked and gave a evil look
"Then my beloved distant cousin go but you better watch out because I know all sorts of magic and I have many followers. After all you are just a ghost and I have many years left in this school to get even more powerful after all if me a eleven year old right now stoped you and destroyed your puppet what would you think seven years from now would bring I suggest you hurry before Dumbledore gets here"

Voldemort sneered and flew away while hearing harry laugh evilly and it got much darker and darker.

Harry used a spell that caused pain and some damaged on himself and used a spell to make the pendant invisible and harry black out.

Harry woke up in the hospital wing.
And saw white at first but then his eyes adjusted. Then he looked to his right and saw albus Dumbledore. Smiling at harry which harry new he was using legitimacy and created fake memory's in order to throw him off. Dumbledore smiled which made harry mentally seethed.

"Sire what happened to the philosopher stone?" Asked harry
Dumbledore looked at harry
"The stone was destroyed harry so that it couldn't be used again for evil.
Harry eyes widened
"But what about Nicholas flamel! Without that stone he'll die!" Harry said panicked

Dumbledore smiled
'Yes the boy is turing up nicely but the stone is not destroyed but we couldn't find it either so it was best to lie to Nicholas about it being destroyed and tell him about voldemort'

"Nicholas understands harry yes he and his wife will die but they are past their lives and are fine with it" said dumbeldore

Harry saw him leaving and harry glared at him with hatred but stoped when he heard promphery come and put the innocent eleven year old child smile.

The were at the great Hall when Dumbledore did his speech and then award griffindor with points that won them the house cup. When they got out of the train harry went behind a pillar and grabbed a green stone and whispered potter manor.

And with a pull to his navel he was inside hid manor.

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