entering luna

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Ron,harry and his siblings get to the common room and see hermione on the couch reading a book. When she noticed they were their she smiled but they saw the same emotions that ron had in his eyes.

After hermione apologizes with tears in her eyes harry forgives her but she made a oath that she would never follow dumbeldore which pleased harry.

He told hermione of his goals she was horrified that harry would destroy the muggles but harry showed hermione and ron what muggles are capable of.

He used a spell to show muggle history and they saw it bombs,jets,navy,the military the nuclear bomb that destroyed everything he showed their greed their envy the selfishness their carnage. They saw human lust how woman were treated and how men can be disgusting creatures and vulgar.

She saw everything

"But harry their are innocent children out their" said hermione

"Yes but hermione your not a muggle born" said harry looking at her seriously

"W-what are you talking about im the first of my family to have magic!?" Said hermione shocked

"Hermione is discovered that muggleborn children are descendants of squibs from pureblood familys" said harry

"My mother lily potter nee evans was a descendant of the Phillips family a pureblood family that has no veela ancestry but good for doing their business.

Her father richard evans was a squib and my grandmother daisy mihailov was a squib her parents were Andrei Mihailov a famous writer of books on charms and defence against the dark arts which I have inherited then theirs my great grandmother Margueritte Rosely Violette she was the third daughter if the Hortencia family a pureblood family with veela heritage.

So you see muggleborn wizards and witchs are decedent from pureblood familys" said harry smiling

Hermione and ron were in shock but then hermione look confused

"Wait then how come you don't live with them?" Asked hermione

"Well they think i don't exist you see my great great grandparents wanted my great grandmother to marry a boy of their friends and thought love would come of them but she was in love with my great grandfather so she ran away and my great great grandparents were so angry they pretended that they never had a third daughter" said harry

Hermione nodded but her eyes showed sadness

"After five years they started to realized that they were the ones who pushed her way do they started to search again"

"During that time my grandparents traveled as muggles but that's world was at war at the time then first world war after the battle ended they searched for them again but my grandparents were smart they left before the war even started and only found a rumor but heled hope for it"

"The second world war also known as world war 2 had started and pur wirld had it fare share by the second most powerful dark lord Gellert Grindelwald he created his fare share of chaos in our world.
They did find out that Mihailov had taken them to London, but they were informed that he and his family had died during some sort of raid, something was dropped on his house apparently. They were living in the muggle world and we never knew up until now that most of the children had been taken out of the city. The Wizarding world was never officially evacuated and they live in France, so they never knew. They thought they were all dead and stopped looking."

Harry signed and took a deep breath he was saddened by that fact that he would never got to meet his grandparents on his mother side unless his original self went and tried to find them.

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