harry revels lilana,Evan and Kevin

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Harry,lilana,Evan and kevin went to the leaky cauldron and saw fudge but they went in their human form.

Lilana said that they should use and manipulate fudge. But harry disagreed sense dumbeldore would know and fudge was a idiot that couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"Hello minster fudge im harry potter" said harry

Fudge and harry shook hands

"Ah harry potter nice to meet you but if I may ask where are your guardians?" Asked fudge

"Ah their at home they drove me to the muggle book store we got bored and we decided to come here but I wanted to ask did you get my message?" Asked harry with innocence

"Yes my boy I did I was going to ask who are these three" said fudge

'Harry inwardly prepare themselves'

"These are my younger siblings my blood siblings" said harry with innocence

Fudge and the people around them looked shocked

Fudge looked confused

"In confused mr.potter but I thought lily your mother and james your father had only one child?" Asked fudge he was shocked and extremely confused

"I was to when it saw them at a orphanage in felt a pull and went to see what it was i saw a girl and two boys who looked just like my parents in the photos my aunt had" said harry with innocence but was inwardly trying to swallow the vile stuff trying to come out of his mouth.

'Yeah right like my aunt would keep stuff like that in her house' thought harry

"And how did you find out they are your sibling?" Asked fudge carefully as to not sound accusing of harry lying

"Well one of the orphanage lady saw me and asked if I needed anything I asked for their names and she told me their names but what surprised me was their last name potter. I asked who their parents are and she told me lily and james potter. I was shocked and told them that was my parents name"

"They were shocked as well and it asked for proof and she showed me the note. I read it and it asked my aunt and uncle to adopt them they were reluctant but I managed to convince them" said harry with a loving smile at his siblings

Fudge saw harry potter children smile and nodded and showed him the letter and read it and nodded at confirmation

Everyone was whispering in excitement

"Very well mister potter can you tell me their names so that I can go to the ministry.  The girl right next to me is lilana jessica potter and the two boys are twins their names are Even chris potter and Kevin lucas potter" said harry and handed their birth certificate.

He saw the realization that harry was telling the truth and smirked inwardly but kept a innocent face on.

"Very well mr.potter may I call a reporter so that she can write this down and let the wirld now that lily and james potter had other children?" Asked fudge.

If harry didn't need to put on a facade then he would break fudges neck for asking such a thing. But composed themselves.

"Yes" harry said

After a couple of hours and talking the reporter thanked them and went back to the ministry.

"Thank you mr.potter now that mrs. Seeker well print it and the entire magic community well now of your siblings and well be happy that mr. And mrs potter legacy still lives." Said fudge as he left

Harry smirked inwardly this would work for now.

"Now Iilana,Evan and kevin lets go to gringotts" said harry as they left

Once they got their they spoke with the goblin on the front and griphook came and got them.

"Good evening Mr.potter may I ask who these two are?" Asked griphook

"Yes griphook I like you tobmeet my sister Lilana jessica potter and my two little twin brothers Evan and kevin potter" said harry with a gleam in his eyes

Griphook was shocked

Griphook was sweating a little
"Are they?" Asked griphook

"That their gods?. Yes lilana is the goddess of the forge,twenty four elements,technology,retribution,intellect,law,oaths,memory,endurance,warcraft,heirs,kings,queens,metalworking,stone masonry,the art of sculpture,black smiths,glass blowing,glass smithing,technology advancements, machinery,alchemy,science,scientific creation,motherhood,sisterhood and marriages,divorces and cheating" said harry with a smirk at Lilana shocked face
As a soft golden glow surrounds lilana

"I decided to give you more than just that with the extra help of the titles that have to do with technology and black smithing you get to make more stuff besides weapons" smirked harry cheeky

"And the marriage,divorce and cheating part?" Said lilana with some steel in her voice

"I will not let what happened to hera happen to you if you want to divorce someone who has cheated on your you can divorce them. If you want to pay them Beck for cheating on your then your can chest on them Beck with out punishment" said harry which lilana smirked

"I like the law,oaths,motherhood and sisterhood after all im your sister and i will br a mother some day so I guess that's accepting" said lilana smirked

But then she went confused
"What about scientific creation and alchemy?" Asked Lilana

"I saw you reading a book on science and chemicals as well as alchemy so thought I should give you those titles since it will help you with your future discovery" said harry smirking

"Now my little twin brother the one with the orange hair is Evan chris potter the dragon god of order and eternity,fate,destiny,lust,desire,cosmic balance,cosmic order,patience,comfort and selfless" said harry evan smiled as a sifter golden glow surrounded him

"The next to him is Kevin lucas potter the dragon god of chaos and anti life,fate,destiny,lust,desire,cosmic order, cosmic balance,rashness,misery and selfishness" said harry as kevin was surrounded in a soft golden glow

"I see that you gave me different and same titles as evan as we are opposites but since we have your own ability to switch ill enjoy these titles for awhile" said kevin

Griphook was griping his seat in shock and awe

"So your all gods so what can I do for you?" Asked griphook

"Yes I like to have a trust vaults for lilana,evan and kevin is want their vaults to be filled the similar way as mine use either the money that's coming from the shops and restaurants or use the Ouroboros vaults" said harry

Griphook nodded

After that harry and the others bought clothes from harrys owned clothes shop .

the ultimate inheritance Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora