the treaty of the dark creatures

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When harry and the others arrived at their destination they walked into the temple of hades and went down the torched lit hallway and opened the big dark doors and saw the vampire,orc,giants,lycon,veela,sirens,and other darl creatures leaders.

"Thank you for all meeting here i just got done talking to the other light creature leaders" said harry

"Yes well lets get started on the first topic why should we join you? Don't get it wrong even though we sense power magic coming from you and little bit of other things as well but back to the main topic. Do you have any political power? Any allies? Or a hand plane after pur Alliance?" Asked the vampire lord

But when they saw alucard and seras their he shot up and bowed to them in respect which they nodded proud of how Maurice yes this vampire lord was named Maurice one of the most powerful vampire lords after alucard and seras.

"Maurice you do the vampires proud but let us tell you some things you see harry here pur master is the mother and queen of the new gods and the goddess of all creation and destruction he is the last descendant of the old gods and other beings from different universes he is also a descendant of each creature such as us vampires but he is a lord potter-black-peverell-gaunt-merlin-morgona-lefay-phenex-gremory-lucifer-domination-supremacy-beast-dreams- Ouroboros he can control all the ministry's and every single land belongs to harry but since their are three people that stands in his way our queen can't show his lord rings since his plans are still starting and needs time" replied alucard

"Very well but what are your goals?" Asked the veela queen

"My goals are simple but i jave many but the main ones I'm focusing are to give all creatures light,dark and grey full rights even werewolves or lycons as your really called deserve your freedom the other plans are I'm still building my pantheon and so I will pick the ones I will transform i to gods the other things is I plan on creating project m.e. which will help our world or if it won't happen then I plan on keeping our world a secret so that muggles don't find us" said harry

"Can you tell us what project m.e. is?" Asked the orc king

"Yes project m.e. stand for muggle eradication basically I will launch a powerful blast of magic that will wipe out half of the muggles but instead of their bodies being eradicated the spell will reincarnate their souls either into plants,animals or creatures their bodies will decompose and feed the land" said harry

The leader thought for a bit
"Why do you think the muggles are so dangerous?" Asked the veela queen

"Since none of you have been to the muggle world nor do you know their history I shall tell you they have ships in the ocean that can float on the water and go underneath to its lowest level. They have armies with weapions known as guns which can shoot right threw a persons bodies which can cause severe damage. They have jets that go up to the sky and shoot missiles which can plow there wards and blood wards. Not even a regular ward to protect yourself couldn't even save you they have nukes and war heads that can destroy states or even continents." Said harry and saw the speechless looks in their eyes

" now their are three people that will get in my way one is fudge he is a ass and needs to be taken down but since it isn't time for me to show my true power nor is it the time to show my political power yet so fudge will be easy to deal with. Next is dumbeldore" said harry he saw the disgusted look on their faces

"He will no doubt get in the way he claims muggles are harmless which he knows their not he left me with my abusive uncle and aunt and whale of a cousin. He has followers but not much he is the head of the wizardingmot and other things he will be a pain but he is old and his body may be weak but its not deathly weak." Said harry

"Now the last one is voldemort also known as tom marvolo riddle" spat harry which his arua grew and every dark creature shivered at the arua he was releasing and the level of magic he was holding back and unknowing to them the Chaka level he was stopping from smashing the temple to dust.

Harry released what was happening and calmed himself down

" I apologize you see voldemort killed my grandparents and parents and well since hes a hypocrite since he himself is a halfblood and is trying to wipe out halfblood and muggleborns well I just want to kill him but there is a guarantee that some of your people will ir already thinking of joining his side and as you know I supposedly Vanquish
the dark lord but he is still alive I faced him last year when he was using a teacher as his temporary vessel to grow stronger but I destroyed it before he could get anymore strength. He is right now a wraith it'll take a few more years for him to find a body that he can have and get a body back." Said harry

"Very well we have heard your reasons and we agree to join you you have our allegiances" said the vampire lord

The meeting was done and harry and his commanders went back to the floating island of assyria and teleported back to their bases original location and descended back down to the hole it created when floating up.

"Well now that went well now lets continue our plans I need you guys to continue what your doing and I need you to learn new spells and come up with new ones of your own. I will be busy" said harry and they teleported back to potter manor where harry went to his room took a shower and dressed in his lolicon pajamas and went to bed.

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