the lord of chaos

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Harry walks to his office and takes off his glamor and sits down.
'i need to start building up my army. If i want to take down both dumbelfuck and snack face I need my own army' harry kept thinking. He looked at the silver cross on his black leather chocker he can feel a powerful arua around it and funny enough if felt like his magic was caged.

"Odd i know their sealed within these artifacts or objects on me but why is my power so low?" Questioned harry

("I can answer that for you") said a sweet mocking voice

Harry looked around and summoned his divine weapon out

He looked around but didn't see anything then he saw the silver cross with the devil eye glow softly

("Calm down I'm not going to hurt you my master") she said

Harry decided to trust her
"Alright then why is my magic getting smaller or blocked for that matter!" Demanded harry

("Aaah that's easy you see lily and james did everything right but what they didn't know was buy putting on the objects around you would seal most of your magic incase your body couldn't keep up. But it seems your just fin. So to release the seal blocking you all you need to do is touch the gems on the artifacts") said vyrde

He touched and felt his magic come back instaly.

(" Harry when your mother and father said that alucard and seras were trapped in both those necklaces they were half right you see the only thing trapped in those necklaces is their bodies but their power is trapped within their coffins if you want to release us and to be in our true form just wish it and the artifacts around you will set us free but you can demand we ve put back in and well obey") said vyrde

"Alright but wear are there coffins?" Asked harry

"Our coffins" said a cheery voice

Harry looked at the heart shape necklace

"Seras?" Asked harry

"You are correct master" said seras

"Well then wear are your coffins?" Asked harry

"Why in the same place as when you were put in the bloody crib and the satanic rituals" said seras in a serious voice

Harry went to the cellar and went to the basement and looked around and saw a door and opened it and saw blood everywhere and ripped clothes. He finally saw the two coffins.

He put his hand around the two necklaces and fisted them and focused and they glowed a blood red and shot out two shadows they wre like a black mist with red highlights around them and turned into a hand and slightly opened the coffins and went in.

After three hours they opened up a long black hair man came out and had two guns and the end of his suit shot out black fog or some sort of darkness

After three hours they opened up a long black hair man came out and had two guns and the end of his suit shot out black fog or some sort of darkness

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